Conference Presentations

Revealing the Mysteries of Test Measurement

Contrary to popular belief, test measurement is not a mysterious art. Rather, it's a vital part of test management. This presentation will assist those new to test measurement-and those that have been intimidated by measurement and its complexities in the past-discover that test measurement can and should be a part of your test plan. Learn metrics and techniques that are easy to understand as well as implement.

David Hutcheson, Glen Abbot Ltd.
Test Result Checking Patterns

Determining how a test case detects a product failure requires several test case design trade-offs. These trade-offs include the characteristics of test data used and when comparisons are done. This document addresses how result checking impacts test design.

Keith Stobie, Microsoft
Data in Functional Testing-You Can't Live Without It

This paper sets out to illustrate some of the ways that data can influence the test process, and will show that testing can be improved by a careful choice of input data. In doing this, the paper will concentrate most on data-heavy applications; those which use databases or are heavily influenced by the data they hold. The paper will focus on input data, rather than output data or the transitional states the data passes through during processing, as input data has the greatest influence on functional testing and is the simplest to manipulate. The paper will not consider areas where data is important to non-functional testing, such as operational profiles, massive datasets and environmental tuning.

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions
A Framework for Testing Real-Time and Embedded Systems

What do we mean when we say local, remote, simultaneous, and distributed testing? Alan Haffenden of The Open Group explores the differences, and explains why the architecture of a distributed test execution system must be different from that of non-distributed systems. An overview of POSIX 1003.13 profiles and units of functionality helps advanced users build a good foundation for testing both their real-time and embedded systems.

Alan Haffenden, The Open Group
Creating Quality From Scratch: How to Build a Testing Organization

With more and more companies realizing the need for testing throughout the product development process, there's a growing demand for bigger, better QA teams. If you find yourself the first member of a newly formed department, it's likely you'll be asked to do the testing and build the team simultaneously. This presentation presents a strategy for meeting the day-to-day testing challenges, while planning for the future of the department. It tells you how you can lay the foundation and build the house-all at the same time.

Eric Patel, Nokia Home Communications
Take This Test and Share It!

Your organization may not be the size of IBM, but your testers have probably experienced many of the same problems. Maybe you've heard comments like, "Is software testing a career?"; "Where can I get training and support for these tools?"; or "Why don't my automated tests work for this version?" Using the power of synergy, IBM launched a company-wide "virtual testing organization" to integrate islands of expertise, adopt the best tools and practices, become a major contributor to quality, and advance testing as a career. Learn how to apply the practical techniques developed by IBM to advance testing in your organization--big or small.

Bill Woodworth, IBM
STAREAST 2001: Managing the End Game of a Software Project

How do you know when a product is ready to ship? QA managers have been faced with this question for many years. Using the methodology discussed in this presentation, you take the guessing out of shipping a product and replace it with key metrics to help you rationally make the right decision. Learn how to estimate, predict, and manage your software project as it gets closer to its release date. Learn how to define which metrics to track--and how to measure them. Discover how to define the ratings scale for each metric and how to create a spider chart for product readiness. This presentation is a must for any individual or organization that is serious about maximizing the results of positive events and minimizing the consequences of adverse ones.

Mike Ennis, BMC Software
Patterns and Automation: The Road to More Effective Testing

Testers are an organization's most effective defense against shipping embarrassing or even fatal defects. With such responsibility on our shoulders, it is paramount that we understand what causes defects as well as the best techniques to use in finding them. James Whittaker presents the latest field-tested research results on two powerful defect-finding techniques--test patterns and test automation. Learn how to make testers more productive--and testing more effective--in your organization.

James Whittaker, Florida Institute of Technology
Standards for Test Automation-A Case Study

Implementing a set of automation standards adopted and followed by the test team will benefit everyone. This presentation discusses methods of creating and implementing standards, guidelines, and practices for teams of testers writing automated tests. Learn about decisions that can be made early in the product cycle that will have a long-term impact. Explore examples of systems that have worked well--and those that have not.

Brian Tervo, Microsoft Corporation
Baby Steps-Testing Therapy for Developers

Learn from a "developer-in-recovery" the strategies for overcoming testing phobia and testing animosity among developers. Now a "convert" to disciplined, quality-oriented software development, Susan Joslyn provides you with approaches that are helpful in educating developers, most of whom actually want to make a better contribution to quality practices. The testers who must beg, cajole, and trick their developers into using them will benefit greatly from attending this session.

Susan Joslyn, SJ+ Systems Associates, Inc


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