Conference Presentations

STAREAST 2001: Bug Hunting: Going on a Software Safari

This presentation is about bugs: where they hide, how you find them, and how you tell other people they exist so they can be fixed. Explore the habitats of the most common types of software bugs. Learn how to make bugs more likely to appear and discover ways to present information about the bugs you find to ensure that they get fixed. Drawing on real-world examples of bug reports, Elisabeth Hendrickson reveals tips and techniques for capturing the wiliest and squirmiest of the critters crawling around in your software.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
Automated Testing and Monitoring of Large Application Services

Large application services are very dynamic in their functionality, with some of the business rules hosted by these services changing on a daily basis. This presentation discusses one company's experience in developing a new methodology and test infrastructure for automated testing and nonstop QA monitoring of large application services with high requirements churn. Learn how this method allows you to get a handle on quality even though the application services requirements remain a moving target.

Ashish Jain and Siddhartha Dalal, Telcordia Technologies
Is a Use Case a Test Case?

This presentation draws the following conclusions:

  • Use cases are extremely effective for specifying
    functional requirements
  • Use cases unify the requirements, design, and testing
  • Each use case is a pattern for a test case and its
    associated test procedures
  • Testing based on use cases provides primary functional
    test coverage
  • Unit testing of use case realizations, both static and
    dynamic aspects, provides additional levels of quality
Dean Leffingwell, Rational Software
Collaboration Between Development and Testing Personnel is a Key to Success

Applications are often designed and developed with little regard for testing. Functional and Load/Configuration testing needs to be a collaborative effort between the development and testing groups for a project to be most successful. Everyone needs to "own" some of the testing responsibility. Learn how to accomplish an ongoing collaboration between application architects, designers, developers, and QA/testing personnel to identify and resolve problems (defects) in an efficient and timely manner.

Tom Igielski, Upstream Solutions, Inc
STAREAST 2001: Exploratory Testing in Pairs

Exploratory testing involves simultaneous activities-learning about the program and the risks associated with it, planning and conducting tests, troubleshooting, and reporting results. This highly skilled work depends on the ability of the tester to stay focused and alert. Based on a successful pilot study, Cem Kaner discusses why two testers can be more effective working together than apart. Explore the advantages of testing in pairs, including ongoing dialogue to keep both testers alert and focused, faster and more effective troubleshooting, and an excellent opportunity for a seasoned tester to train a novice.

Cem Kaner, Florida Institute of Technology and James Bach, Satisfice Inc.
Removing Requirement Defects and Automating Test

Organizations face many problems that impede rapid development of software systems critical to their operations and growth. This paper discusses model-based
development and test automation methods that reduce the time and resources necessary to develop high quality systems. The focus is how organizations have implemented this approach of model-based verification to reduce requirements defects, manual test development effort, and development rework to achieve significant cost and schedule savings.

Mark Blackburn, Software Productivity Consortium
STAREAST 2001: The Power of Retrospectives to Improve Testing

Testing is a tough job! Most test professionals learn the hard way what works and what doesn't. Retrospectives are focused, facilitated reviews of a defined piece of work. Learn how software project retrospectives are used as a test process improvement technique to capture the essence of a work, provide closure, and establish a springboard for active improvement in an organization.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates, Inc
Software Testing at a Silicon Valley High-Tech Software Company

This paper describes a methodology for allocating priority levels and resources to software testing and other quality activities to achieve "customer satisfaction." This methodology is based on understanding of what the market and the target users require at any point in time during the
product technology adoption life-cycle. The paper also describes the deployment by a leading market-driven company of effective software testing processes and methods that represent real-world customer issues.

Giora Ben-Yaacov and Lee Gazlay, Synopsys Inc.
Communicate and Define the Value of Performance in Dollars and Cents

What is the real value of computing performance improvement? What is the real cost of computing performance degradation? This paper describes an approach used at The Boeing Company to answer these questions. The challenges of presenting technical analyses in "dollars and cents, bottom line" terminology, and sample visual formats for communicating computing performance information
clearly, completely and concisely will be discussed.

Nancy Acree, CAD/CAM Products and Services
eXtreme Programming: Managing Agile Development

Extreme Programming (XP) has captured the attention of the industry by challenging many cherished beliefs held about software development and management. Not only that, it's actually delivered against those challenges. As a development process, XP focuses on producing sound software architectures while delivering required functionality to customers on time and within budget. It uses iterative development along with other controversial yet effective techniques to get the job done. Robert Martin gives us the real scoop on why XP has enjoyed so many successes, and how it can and will continue to flourish in business development environments.

Robert Martin, Object Mentor, Inc.


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