Conference Presentations

Mobile Dev Test IoT Software Testing Challenges: The IoT World Is Really Different

The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to become the next growth area—and biggest challenge—for software development and testing. Although many traditional test techniques and strategies remain viable, IoT testing includes working with huge amounts of data, multiple communication channels...

Jon Hagar
Mobile Dev Test The IoT: Internet of Threats?

From connected elevators to smart cars, the Internet of Things (IoT) is all around us, even in ways we're not aware of. The devices make our lives easier, encourage us to exercise, and save time and resources--but at what cost? With current computer and mobile technology, the main threat...

Christopher Poulin
Collocated East Logo Build Fail-Proof Tests in Any Browser with Selenium

What happens when you have thousands of tests that run beautifully in Chrome but many of them fail in Internet Explorer? Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common for testers and remains a major sore point for teams tasked with getting software to work in any browser. Kevin Berg...

Kevin Berg
Collocated East Logo Build Adaptable Teams: The Marine Corps Way

Shrinking budgets, increased workloads, and ever-changing demands challenge today’s product teams to adapt and learn to do more with less. Since its birth in 1775, the United States Marine Corps has faced similar trials. The key to the Corps’ survival—not unlike that of a product team—has...

Anne Steiner
Collocated East Logo Testing and Measurement in DevOps: Find Solutions—Not More Problems

The promise of DevOps is to deliver new features faster following today’s best practices. However, blindly automating the delivery pipeline by installing Jenkins, Chef, and Docker without adapting test approaches will cause a great number of deployments to fail. While the tester’s role...

Andreas Grabner
Collocated East Logo Lead Teams that Deliver the Goods

In software development—and in many life activities—success often depends on how well we collaborate with our team and our stakeholders. Yet getting a group of people to truly work in partnership—let alone self-organize—is a daunting challenge. And we’re often left with lingering...

Andy Kaufman
Collocated East Logo The Past, Present, and Future of Scrum

In the past two decades, Scrum has become the standard for agile development, used in some form today by 90 percent of agile teams. As Scrum starts its third decade, it’s not the fresh-faced process framework it once was. Yes, it has met—and dealt with—commercial, technical, philosophical...

Dave West
Collocated East Logo Fear and Loathing in Systems Administration

Harold “Waldo” Grunenwald hears it all the time—DevOps doesn't work. Sometimes it's from people whose “DevOps transformation” consisted of a team rename or from operations people who scoff at the idea of letting development teams deploy to production frequently. Waldo demonstrates why...

Harold “Waldo” Grunenwald
Collocated East Logo The Three Pillars Approach to an Agile Testing Strategy

Far too often, organizations focus solely on the development teams and their technical practices as their agile adoption strategy. And then there’s the near constant focus on acquiring development tools. Often the testing activity and the testing teams are left behind in agile adoption, or...

Bob Galen
Collocated East Logo Enable Your Workers … You’ll Be Amazed What They Can Do

It’s as true today as it was in 1986 when W. Edwards Deming published Out of the Crisis and wrote, “Remove barriers that rob people … of their right to pride of workmanship.” Companies everywhere implement processes, hire staff, and install tools to help them meet their business objectives.

Bob Jarvis


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