Conference Presentations

Collocated West Logo Identify and Exploit Behavioral Boundaries for Unit Testing

Whether writing unit tests after coding or using test-driven development (TDD), developers often ask themselves—How much testing is enough? Or too much? Or not enough? Rob Myers helps answer these questions using the techniques from his experience doing and teaching TDD. Look for those...

Rob Myers
Collocated West Logo Where Is Test in DevOps?

As organizations try to meet faster delivery schedules and improve collaboration between development and operations, DevOps has become a hot topic. So, where does testing fit into a DevOps strategy? By narrowly focusing on just Dev and Ops, the term DevOps itself ends up missing testing.

Nikhil Kaul
Collocated West Logo Your User Stories Are Too Big: Yes, They Are!

When a user story is too big, it is harder to understand, estimate, and implement successfully. Some teams break the “business story” into “technical stories” but this generally doesn’t help because most or all of the technical stories need to be completed before there is anything...

Chris Sims
Collocated West Logo A Simple Tool for Speaking Honestly and Constructively

Are you on a team where people avoid conflict or shy away from saying anything that might sound critical? Reluctance to speak up can block important challenges from being identified, and deny your team and organization the opportunity to learn and improve. According to Lorraine Aguilar...

Lorraine Aguilar
Collocated West Logo Blending Product Discovery and Product Delivery

More and more organizations are realizing that while they are getting more done, they are not necessarily getting more value. More code does not mean more product and more product does not mean more market share. According to David Hussman, we need to shift our focus toward a...

David Hussman
Collocated West Logo Zorro Circles: Retrospectives for Excellence

Have you wondered how to progressively harness your agile team’s energy, focus on important goals, and improve outcomes? Woody Zuill said, “If you could adopt only one agile practice, then let it be retrospectives. Everything else will follow.” Retrospectives help individuals and teams...

Aakash Srinivasan and Vivek Angiras
Collocated West Logo What Hollywood Can Teach Us about Software Testing

If we observe the world through the lens of software testing, we discover that there are lessons all around us we can apply on the job, and one venue that’s packed with these tidbits is the movie theater. Bernie Berger gives examples of a few unlikely yet credible lessons from the language...

Bernie Berger
Collocated West Logo What Everyone on the Team Needs to Know about Test Automation

Test automation should be an activity that involves the entire project team—not just the testing group. Test automation is a technical testing task, and the test team benefits from the assistance of others in the organization. Jim Trentadue outlines the various testing activities with the...

Jim Trentadue
STAREast Logo Mobile App Testing: Planning, Priorities, Execution, and Reporting

When testers transition from web to mobile testing, they often miss the most important issues. The biggest challenge in mobile testing is knowing the mobile-specific issues—knowing what to test, in which order, and how. Jason Arbon shares his learnings from manual and automated testing of...

Jason Arbon
Collocated West Logo Continuous Discovery: The Path to Learning and Growing

Software development is a process of continuous discovery. When writing software, we create ideas, we try them in code, we learn what works and what doesn’t—and that steers us to a better solution. And sometimes we do this all day long! Woody Zuill says that this same process of continuous...

Woody Zuill


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