Conference Presentations

Collocated West Logo The Issues Agile Exposes and What To Do about Them

Before the short iterations in agile, projects were segmented into large blocks of work taking many weeks or months. If problems emerged, it was relatively easy to hide them. Now, with agile, many of these problems and issues can’t be hidden for long. Lee Copeland exposes these issues...

Lee Copeland
Collocated West Logo Use Feature Flags for Clean Deployments

Software teams want to move faster and deliver features to end users sooner. Continuous delivery and DevOps promise to deploy quickly. However, pushing faster and deploying more often increase the risk of breaking—and subsequent downtime. Edith Harbaugh finds that a feature flagging system...

Edith Harbaugh
Collocated West Logo End-to-End Quality Approach: 14 Levels of Testing

In 2015, the Standard & Poor’s Ratings IT team set out an ambitious objective—to tighten the process and controls around the quality of code deployed to production. Based on internal cost of quality assessments, and supporting agile and waterfall internal engineering processes...

Adrian Thibodeau and Chintan Pandya
Collocated West Logo Experiments: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful

Through the years, Linda Rising has given presentations about the use of stories instead of science in the industry, so in this session she has decided to be more helpful and talk about experiments. There's an increasing emphasis on experiments as a part of being more innovative but...

Linda Rising
Collocated West Logo Command Query Responsibility Segregation at Enterprise Scale

As organizations grow, they find themselves looking for opportunities to enhance the rate at which features can be delivered while minimizing negative business impact. Carlyle Davis believes that we are responsible for creating an system environment that provides simplicity and resiliency...

Carlyle Davis
Collocated West Logo Scaling Scrum with Scrum™ (SSwS): A Universal Framework

Scrum is a simple framework allowing a single team, working from a single backlog, to maximize the value it delivers to its stakeholders. Unfortunately, your organization probably has more than one team and more than one backlog—but you still need to maximize the value to your stakeholders.

Dan Rawsthorne
Collocated West Logo The Lean Executive Agility Framework

In today’s business environment, organizations cannot afford to resist change and move slowly. They have to move quickly, adapt frequently, and turn on a dime when conditions demand it. This is not always easy to do. Organizations of all shapes and sizes can become rooted in habits and...

Jon Stahl
Collocated West Logo The Tester's Role in Agile Planning

If testers sit passively through agile planning, important testing activities will be glossed over or missed altogether. Testing late in the sprint becomes a bottleneck, quickly diminishing the advantages of agile development. However, testers can actively advocate for customers’ concerns...

Rob Sabourin
STAREast Logo Uncover Untold Stories in Your Data: A Deep Dive on Data Profiling

How well do you know your data? Organizations are discovering the value in their data—as evidence of what they have done and a clue to how they can improve the bottom line. With the increase in analytics, it is no secret that there are more eyes on the data. And analyzing data can give...

Catherine Cruz Agosto
STAREast Logo Acceptance- and Behavior-Driven Development with Cucumber: Three Case Studies

Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD), behavior-driven development (BDD), and Cucumber promise many benefits related to your user story acceptance tests. They promise tighter collaboration between the product owner and the team. They promise the ability for the product owner and...

Mary Thorn


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