Conference Presentations

Avoid Testing Mistakes or Really Bad Things Can Happen

In our work we assess the quality of software to give well-grounded advice on the “go live” decision. We test software to prevent bad things from happening to users once the software is deployed. However, in some cases, the mere act of testing breaches safety barriers and can put companies...

Bart Knaack, Professional Testing
Static Testing: We Know It Works, So Why Don’t We Use It?

We know that static testing is very effective in catching defects early in software development. Serious bugs, like race conditions which can occur in concurrent software, can't be reliably detected by dynamic testing. Such defects can cause a business major damage when they pop up in...

Meenakshi Muthukumaran, Tata Consultancy Services
Virtualization to Improve Speed and Increase Quality

Many development and test organizations must work within the confines of compressed release cycles, various agile methodologies, and cloud and mobile environments for their business applications. So, how can test organizations keep up with the pace of development and increase the quality...

Clint Sprauve, HP, and Todd DeCapua, HP
Automate Legacy-System Testing: Easy, Reliable, and Extendible

Everyone loves working on a greenfield project. You’re starting fresh and nothing holds you back. Unfortunately, for most testers, this is a rare occurrence. Chances are you will work on legacy applications. Because these often have no automated tests, developers are afraid to make bold...

Emanuil Slavov, Komfo, Inc.
Testers and Testing: A Product Owner’s Perspective

Testers frequently feel that they and their contributions to delivering software are undervalued. These feelings may stem from patterns of important defects being de-prioritized, receiving lower salaries than their peers who code, being assigned seemingly pointless tasks, or being expected...

Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
How to Deliver Winning Mobile Apps

Do you find yourself confused about the definition of mobile testing? Do you understand the challenges of mobile testing and where to start? Is this your first mobile testing project? Joe Larizza and Eran Kinsbruner describe the techniques of mobile testing and the steps necessary to help...

Joe Larizza, Royal Bank of Canada, and Eran Kinsbruner, Perfecto Mobile
Innovation: From the Tester’s Viewpoint

Innovation is not usually associated with testing or quality assurance. For our field to tackle the quality issues of modern applications and remain relevant, we must innovate. The good news is that there are lots of opportunity to innovate today. Sharing hard-earned tips and tricks...

Jason Arbon,
Designing a Robust Test Strategy for Mobile Apps

Every day thousands of mobile apps are built, and many are released with poor quality. Dozens of new mobile devices become available every day. Immense pressure mounts on organizations to test mobile apps with shorter go-to-market cycles. Mobile app testing becomes overwhelming...

Parimala Hariprasad, Amadeus Software Labs India Pvt. Ltd
Testing Blockbuster Games: Lessons for All Testers

We can all learn valuable lessons from game development where, in addition to functional performance, overall experiential quality—user experience (UX)—is of critical importance. Blockbuster game development presents particular challenges with regard to scale, rapid iteration, and fuzzy...

Tulay Tetiker McNally, BioWare Electronic Arts and Alex Lucas, BioWare Electronic Arts
Improve Security through Continuous Testing

Many companies develop strong software development practices that include ongoing testing throughout the development lifecycle. But they fail to account for the testing of security-related issues. This leads to security controls being tacked on to an application just before it goes to...

Jeremy Faircloth, Raytheon


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