Conference Presentations

Best Practices for Implementing Crowdsourced Testing

Global markets, quick time to market, and a feature-rich design are major drivers in determining many products’ success. Product companies and businesses with customer-facing systems are constantly on the lookout for innovative development and testing techniques to control these driving forces. One such software testing technique gaining popularity is crowdsourced testing. With its scale, flexibility, cost effectiveness, and fast turnaround, crowdsourcing brings new solutions to many testing problems. Is it a perfect solution for all product companies to leverage? Not necessarily. Rajini Padmanaban describes the best practices in implementing a crowdsourced test effort. She discusses whether or not crowdsourcing makes sense for a given product; what, when, and how to crowdsource; what risks exist; and how to mitigate the risks.

Rajini Padmanaban, QA InfoTech
The Dirty Secret of Formal Software Testing

Arguably, James Bach has done some of the most rigorous testing that anyone has done in software testing-testing for court cases that are closely scrutinized by teams of lawyers. James once poured $250,000 of labor (nearly 400 hours) into a ten-minute test for a patent infringement case that was filmed for a jury. He also has tested a Class III medical device subject to FDA audit. In all his testing, James has noticed something important that no one mentions when talking about formal testing. It seems to be a secret, a dirty secret: All good formal testing is based on informal testing. Yet you don't see this admitted in any of the "textbooks" or "maturity models" or "testing standards." Join James as he tells you exactly why informal testing must be the basis of formal testing and, as a special bonus, explains why so many people pretend that formal testing stands by itself.

James Bach, Satisfice, Inc.
Security Testing: The Foundations and More

Your organization is doing well with functional, usability, and performance testing. However, you know that software security is a key part of your assurance and compliance strategy for protecting applications and critical data. Left undiscovered, security-related defects can wreak havoc in a system when malicious invaders attack. If you don’t know where to start with security testing and don’t know what you are looking for, this session is for you. Alan Crouch describes how to get started with security testing, introducing foundational security testing concepts and showing you how to apply those security testing concepts with free and commercial tools and resources. Offering a practical risk-based approach, Alan discusses why security testing is important, how to use security risk information to improve your test strategy, and how to add security testing into your software development lifecycle.

Alan Crouch, Coveros, Inc.
Test Scenarios for Data-centric Systems

Analysis and testing for data warehouse and business intelligence (BI) projects typically confirm that data was correctly mapped and can be accessed as intended. Such work is absolutely necessary, though not sufficient. Testing for data-centric systems also must prove that the data can be used as intended. Although behavior-modeling techniques that explore system usage aren’t typically part of business warehousing and BI toolkits, they are key to deployments that meet business expectations. Sue Burk shares her experiences in exploring business usage with use cases, scenarios, and user acceptance tests in support of data warehousing and BI analysis. Join Sue to learn how models that examine behavior can help you better specify tests for your data warehouse and BI projects. Find out how to reframe test objectives as business usage versus system usage to develop powerful insight into BI user and business needs.

Sue Burk, EBG Consulting
Exploring Old-fashioned Test Design Techniques

Structured test design techniques have been around almost as long as testing itself. Some people even call them old school and out-of-date. Join Ruud Teunissen to examine why test design techniques have been and always will be useful to testers. Explore the well-known-and often ignored-principles of equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, condition/decision coverage, and operational use. Learn-or relearn-how to use these techniques no matter what application context you’re in: cloud, web services, end-to-end, or mobile. Structured test design techniques help you achieve predictable test coverage in a transparent and reusable way and focus testing based on risks within imposed constraints. Ruud helps you hone your craftsmanship for testing functionality, stress and performance testing, security testing, and usability testing.

Ruud Teunissen, Polteq Test Services B.V.
Creating a Risk-based Testing Strategy

An efficient test finds the most important defects as early as possible and at the lowest possible cost. The challenge for many of us is determining which tests are most important to execute and when to perform them. Mary LeMieux-Ruibal and Mirkeya Capellán introduce a simple approach for implementing a risk-based test strategy to ensure that test plans are well-organized and help find those “big” defects first. After an overview for determining test scope, objectives, and goals, Mary and Mirkeya explore the characteristics of effective tests and discuss how to use risk factors to prioritize and categorize test types. Based on TMap® Next testing methodology, Mary and Mirkeya outline easy-to-follow steps for determining the probability of a component failing and how to weigh the costs of a potential failure against the costs of executing tests to check the component.

Mary LeMieux-Ruibal, Sogeti USA
STAREAST 2012 Keynote: Testing Trends: Cloud, Virtualization, and Mobility

Almost daily, we see reports of software failures that harm enterprises and impact the brand, putting testing organizations and their efforts in the spotlight. Fortunately, testers are now in one of the most exciting times in the software industry’s history!

Theresa Lanowitz, voke, inc.
Software Testing Using Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional

Help simplify the entire development process, from design to deployment. Bring a vision to life using powerful prototyping, modeling, and design tools. Work more efficiently with integrated testing and debugging tools that enable delivery of high-quality solutions.

Charles Sterling, Microsoft
xBTM: Taking Full Advantage of Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing provides both flexibility and speed, which have become increasingly important as more and more projects adopt agile where scripted tests are struggling to keep up with the quick pace of short iterations. So, how do you retain traceability back to requirements with exploratory testing without losing your creativity? Christin Wiedemann and Michael Albrecht share their experiences using a combination of session-based test management and thread-based test management which they call xBTM. In session-based test management, Michael and Christin structured and documented exploratory testing in sessions. However, sometimes the work environment is too hectic or chaotic and requires more flexibility and freedom, which is provided by thread-based test management. Why not get the best of both techniques? xBTM unites the two exploratory techniques to get the full advantage of both-from test planning to test reporting.

Christin Wiedemann, AddQ Consulting AB
Risk-based Testing: When You Can't Test It All

Testers everywhere have experienced this scenario-the development cycle slips and now testing gets two weeks instead of four to complete its work. How do you systematically determine what to test and what not to test in this time-constrained situation? How do you determine the right amount of testing so that you are not doing too much or too little? Reán Young shows how using a risk-based approach helps to identify test strategy options based on a combination of business and technical factors. They evaluate risks in each area of the application and devise a test plan that ensures that the most critical components will be tested before the deadline. This approach encourages the entire project team to take ownership of determining what should be tested.

Rean Young, Kroger Company


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