Conference Presentations

Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018, DevOps West 2018 Essential Patterns of Mature Agile Testers

Testing in agile teams is still one of the great mysteries of the agile world. In many organizations, testers continue to be marginalized. In others, testers are active but rarely understand or reach the full potential of their role. In this session, Shaun Bradshaw, an experienced agile coach and tester, will explore the practices and mindset of fully empowered agile testers on high-performance agile teams. Throughout Shaun’s agile coaching experience, he’s seen it all—from total dysfunction to high performance and everything in between. He’ll share with you real-world tactics to help you guide your team toward improved performance. He’ll explore the notions of QA ownership, test planning, test automation, and test case development and execution in agile contexts, as well as look at different risk-based, exploratory, and other testing practices.

Shaun Bradshaw
Agile Testing in Large Scale Organizations

Mary Thorn has had the opportunity in the past twenty years to work at many startups, creating several QA/test departments from scratch. For the past ten years, she has done this in agile software companies. Recently Mary moved from leading small agile test organizations to leading a large agile test organization where she has learned how to lead agile testers and agile testing in large contexts. Mary takes you through what she has learned, identifies the keys to transitioning your test organization as it grows, and discusses the techniques required to lead it through the changes. Agile testing is difficult; training your testers to be consistent and interchangeable across large scale agile teams is even more difficult; and still more difficult is test automation at scale.

Mary Thorn
BSE Testing Put Agile to the Test: A Case Study for Test Agility on a Large IT Project

Agile practices, although applicable to a variety of situations, are most commonly applied to IT projects, generally for software development. Can you apply agile methods to just part of a software implementation project? Todd Jones presents this case study where agile techniques were...

Todd Jones
BSE Development You Might Be an Agile Leader If...

In case you haven’t heard, the leadership landscape has been changing—and continues to change—to keep up with the accelerating pace of business. And agile development has been an incubator of new leadership approaches. It has introduced or fostered many innovative concepts...

Bob Galen
BSE Testing Scale: The Most Hyped Term in Agile Development Today

Scrum is everywhere. More than 90 percent of agile teams use it. But for many organizations wanting to scale agile, one team using Scrum is not enough. Dave West says the Nexus Framework, created by Ken Schwaber, the co-creator of Scrum, provides an exoskeleton for Scrum. Nexus allows...

Dave West
BSE Development Individuals, Interactions, and Improvisation

As agile practitioners, we constantly strive to better ourselves, our team, and our delivery. A great way to achieve this is simply being open to learning new ideas from other disciplines—including improvisation. Jessie Shternshus shares her story of realizing the uncanny similarities...

Jessie Shternshus
BSE Testing Turn the Lights On: A Power Utility Company's Agile Transformation

Why would a century-old utility with no direct competitors take on the challenge of transforming its entire IT application organization to an agile methodology? In an increasingly interconnected world, the expectations of customers continue to evolve. From smart meters to smart phones, IoT...

Glen Morris
BSE Testing Balance Discovery and Delivery with Dual-Track Agile

Do your product teams frequently struggle to have groomed and well-defined stories ready for the developers? Do you find yourselves frequently in “feed the beast” mode to keep your development teams busy? Do your product teams have problems gaining shared understanding across product...

Sean McKeever
BSE Testing Agile Performance Holarchy (APH)—A Model for Scaling Agile Teams

A hierarchy is an organizational network that has a top and a bottom, and where position is determined by rank, importance, and value. A holarchy is a network that has no top or bottom and where each person’s value derives from his ability, rather than position. As more companies seek the...

Jeff Dalton
We Are Doing Agile But, But, But …

“We are doing agile, but the only tests we do in a sprint are unit tests” or “We are doing agile, but we have a hardening phase at the end, which is really more of a system integration test” or “We are doing agile, but testing is done by a separate test team.” Sound familiar? Gitte Ottosen...

Gitte Ottosen


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