
Conference Presentations

Managing Concurrent Software Releases in Development and Test

There is an ever-growing need to provide complex software products to customers on a short development schedule. Additionally, the customers need to be able to count on release dates for planning purposes. Instead of investing in an entirely new tool set that solves the configuration management issues associated with supporting concurrent development and support, existing tools can be used. This paper focuses on how to adapt and in some cases enhance an existing set of well-known tools to enable Lucent to excel in the market place. To this end, this project chose to implement the Fixed Interval Feature Delivery (FIFD) model of software development.

David Shinberg, Lucent Technologies
Enterprise-Wide Change and Configuration Management

Multi-tier applications are increasingly strategic for many organizations, but manually coordinating the movement of disparate components-developed and deployed on multiple platforms through the software development lifecycle-can be tedious and error-prone. Learn the key features to look for in a solution and how to ensure the highest quality multi-tier applications. Explore the business and technical challenges involving changes in enterprise applications.

Melissa Borza, Computer Associates International Inc.

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