The Trouble with Hidden Targets Make programs are very good at keeping track of targets, files that need to be built, and the dependencies between targets. But the Make program is only as good as its inputs. If you don't tell Make about a relationship between two files, it wont discover it on its own and it'll make mistakes because it assumes it has perfect knowledge about the files and their relationships.
Tracing rule execution in GNU Make Who hasn't wondered what exactly Make's log file output means. This article is about Makefile tracing. I cover tracing the execution of Makefile rules.
Adding set operations to GNU Make The new GMSL functions include ways of testing the relationship between sets and determining whether an individual element is in a set.
The Basics: VPATH and vpath Ask Mr. Make talks about the uses of VPATH and vpath.
Learning Make with the Towers of Hanoi The Towers of Hanoi puzzle consists of a small board with three pegs on it. On the left most peg a stack of discs is arranged in descending order of size: the largest disc is on the bottom.
Make Clean: Usman's Law Usman's Law (named after a smart coworker of mine who spent months working with customer Makefiles). make clean is intended to take you back to a state where everything will be rebuilt from scratch. Often times it doesn't. Here's why.
GNU Make User-Defined Functions Creating GNU Make built-in functions is easy, but it does create a maintenance problem: the next time GNU Make is updated we'll need to port our changes to the new version.
The Pitfalls and Benefits of GNU Make Parallelization Many build processes run for hours with build managers commonly typing 'make' and going home for the night. GNU Make's solution to this problem is parallel execution, which is a simple command-line option that causes GNU Make to run jobs in parallel using the dependency in the Makefile to run in the correct order.
The Basics of GNU Make GNU Make user-defined functions can do a lot. Ask Mr. Make takes you on a quick your of the basics.
GNU Make path handling Ask Mr. Make discusses how GNU Make handles paths.