website development

Conference Presentations

Go on Offense: Prevent Web Application Security Breaches

You must successfully test your browser-based applications before hackers do the job for you! Whether you have to worry about critical business applications or government compliance issues like HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) or GLBA (Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999), security failures can cost your organization big dollars, unnecessary embarrassment, or both. Hackers have gone beyond simple exploits of open IP ports and standard applications such as Telnet, FTP, and Sendmail, turning their attention to commercial and custom Web applications. To thwart the hackers, test engineers must focus their efforts on common and uncommon security vulnerabilities within the application, including SQL injections, session hijacking, cross-site scripting, and more.

Dennis Hurst, SPI Dynamics Inc
Testing your Web Site for Privacy, Quality, and Accesibility

Today's business world relies heavily on transactions conducted through the web. Because of this, brand image and how a web site is rendered to customers has become increasingly important. A poorly functioning web site poses significant risk for web-based companies. This presentation discusses the challenges involved when testing to ensure the quality of your company's web site and to ensure that the components of the site function properly. With the ever-increasing web complexity, specific tools and processes are required to manage these challenges.

  • Discover ways to ensure that your web site reflects your privacy policy
  • Learn how to manage your web sites's links to ensure that they remain current and unbroken, and ensure that web content is accessible to users
  • Learn about specific tools and processes to test and manage your web site
John Burg, IBM Global Services
In the Beginning ..Testing Web Services (.NET and Otherwise)

A Web service provides an interface for sending and receiving information, but it doesn't have a user interface. Instead, everything is done via requests and methods. So how does one go about testing such interfaces? Programmatically, that's how. In this presentation you'll be introduced to the concept of Web services and how they work. Tom Arnold even walks you through how to create tests using Perl, Python, and VB-like languages. Anyone new to Web services testing is certain to find this presentation a crucial first step to getting started down the right path.

  • Learn how to work with a Web service interface
  • Obtain approaches to writing scripts to exercise a Web service's API
  • Look at a completed harness for testing Web services
Thomas Arnold, Xtend Development, Inc.
Testing Database Integrity

The saying "Data is a corporate asset" has become a cliche, but most organizations are still vitally dependent on data quality. This presentation addresses how to validate data integrity and check the robustness and controls of databases. Using case studies in database testing, learn how to develop test plans and build test cases for a typical database application.

Ross Collard, Collard & Company
Internet Product Delivery: Creating Quality at the Speed of the Web

Based on an operations perspective, Richard Martin shares his experiences with an e-commerce company in the areas of project planning, quality assurance, release management, and project delivery. Learn how the e-commerce market differs from other enterprise applications and which "best practices" make the most sense. Explore the most effective ways to manage change at Web speed.

Richard Martin, Calico Commerce
Get Real! Creating Realistic, Actionable Project Schedules

The preparation of a realistic, practical project schedule is an essential management function for obtaining stakeholder commitment, setting expectations, and communicating within the team and organization what is achievable. Doing this preparation well is another challenge-one that must be conquered. Rex Black helps participants see the bigger project scheduling picture by focusing on issues such as constituent tasks, the underlying dependencies between them, and the risks attached to the completion of those tasks.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting Services, Inc.
Scripts on My Tool Belt

The aims of this presentation are to: convince you that "test automation" is more than automating test execution; show some examples of the kinds of things that can be accomplished with scripting languages, using simplified code samples; and make you aware of three different scripting languages (shells, perl, and expect).

Danny Faught, Tejas Software Consulting
Establishing Best Testing Practices in Your Organization

The path to best testing practices begins with communication. By building relationships with a product's key players-developers, analysts, and end users-your test team can achieve a higher level of both quality and customer satisfaction. Discover the link between effective communication and implementing critical step-by-step test processes such as test conditions, test case design, test data construction, and reporting.

Michelle Lynn Baldwin, Booz, Allen & Hamilton
Bottlenecks Exposed: The Most Frequently Found Performance Problems

Dan Downing's experience with stress testing projects has revealed a handful of common denominators present in most Web site performance problems. These include memory starvation; a CPU-gobbling database access; improperly sized heaps, caches, and pools; poor application design; and load balancing that doesn't balance. This presentation uses actual B2C and B2B project examples to show you a symptom-measurement-diagnostic approach to understanding, exposing, and documenting these common problems.

Dan Downing, Mentora
Metrics Collection and Analysis for Web Sites

To many organizations, the concept of metrics is foreign. Even after taking training on metrics usage, few organizations take advantage of the value metrics can bring. This paper presents the special challenges online companies face, describes a practical plan for rolling out
test metrics, and shows how test metrics collection and analysis can reduce cycle time and provide meaningful information to the development team.

Joe Polvino, Element K


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