
Conference Presentations

Innovation for Existing Software Product: An R&D Approach

In the world of software, innovating an existing product often makes the difference between continued success and rapid irrelevance and failure. Although innovation can come from many different sources, it can be difficult to develop breakthrough innovations while simultaneously...

Aaron Barrett, Infusionsoft
How Agile Can We Go? Lessons Learned Moving from Waterfall

How agile are you? Once you jump off the waterfall and drink from the agile pool, there will probably be varying opinions as to the state of the organization’s agility. Some will be concerned that they are not agile enough; others will think they are agile while still adhering to old...

Max McGregor, Venafi
Verify Complex Product Migrations with Automation

In the world of agile, automation is king. When faced with testing multiple versions of software, either while migrating or supporting multiple versions in the field, many teams give up, convinced that automation cannot be achieved. Marquis Waller and Jeff Sikkink provide insights into how...

Marquis Waller, Ricoh, and Jeff Sikkink, Ricoh
STAREAST 2015: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Lightning Talks consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period. Lightning Talks are the opportunity for speakers...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
The New Agile Testing Quadrants: Bringing Skilled Testers and Developers Together

You want to integrate skilled testing and development work. But how do you accomplish this without developers accidentally subverting the testing process or testers becoming an obstruction? Efficient, deep testing requires “critical distance” from the development process, commitment and...

James Bach, Satisfice, Inc. and Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Software Attacks for Embedded, Mobile, and Internet of Things

In the world of embedded systems, mission-critical mobile apps, and the Internet of Things (IoT), developers and testers must do more than just look for feature bugs. To find potential failures and serious security errors, their arsenal should include attack-based exploratory testing. In...

Jon Hagar, Independent Consultant
A Look into the Future: App Testing and Quality in 2025

In ten years, the applications we develop—mobile, embedded, wearable, and more—will be radically different from today’s apps. And so will be the testing and quality tools, methods, and solutions we employ. Extrapolated from his experiences at Google, Microsoft, and Applause...

Jason Arbon,
Mastering Android Development Tools

There are so many tools and tricks for developing Android apps, but which ones actually help when you're building apps day in and day out? Luke Wallace introduces the critical development tools you need and demonstrates how to use them to build real apps. Learn about the six critical tools...

Luke Wallace, Bottle Rocket
The Software Developers Guide to Prototyping Wearable Devices

Prototyping wearable devices used to be something that required specialized skills in electrical engineering, embedded development, and mechanical engineering. Today, thanks to the maker revolution, we can combine our deep knowledge of programming with basic electronics, soldering...

Lance Gleason, Polyglot Programming Inc.
From Web Developer to Hybrid App Developer

You or your company have a great idea for an app—and now you need to build it. So, what architecture do you use to support iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, and future operating systems? How can you deal with all these platforms and still re-use your skills as web developer? The answer is a...

Greg Avola, Untappd


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