
Conference Presentations

Success Factors and Measures in Outsourced Application Development

Today's e-conomy is creating higher time pressures than ever in application development. Many organizations are responding to the deadline pressures and backlogs through partnering. Whenever new partnering relationships are created, however, conflict can result. Learn the four key critical success factors to help you manage this type of strategic relationship, including how to deal with "shotgun weddings" and creating better dispute resolution frameworks.

Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.
Extreme Programming and CMM

This presentation explains the Capability Maturity Model and Extreme Programming, compares the two, and shows how they can be compatible.

Mark Paulk, Software Engineering Institute
Is That Your Final Answer? Auditing Your Measurement Program

More and more organizations are committed to establishing an effective measurement program. Big or small, measurement takes time and resources. The overriding key to measurement program success is accuracy. Organizations with established metrics programs typically institutionalize an audit activity to maximize their investment. Explore the current approaches being used to audit measurement activity. Learn why auditing is so important, and what and when to audit within your organization.

David Herron, The David Consulting Group
System Test Measurement-What, When, How?

Elaine Soat presents an easy set of measurements to use during system testing (QA test cycle). Examine measurements taken from defect tracking and application coverage to projected testing hours versus actual testig hours. Learn how such process and measurement information is evaluated and used for proposed process improvements. Gain the ability to do comparison reporting to measure successes of process improvement within your QA test cycle.

Elain Soat, CarteGraph Systems
The Need for Speed: Filling the Empty Chair

The paper provides an analysis of challenges that engineering and human resources managers face when attempting to recruit new staff. Successful staffing of a software engineering organization in an intensely competitive market is described in terms of the key elements of the staffing process and proven strategies that help to stay ahead of the competition.

Anntoinette Gurvin, General Dynamics Information Systems
Estimating in the Web World

Discover the techniques used by estimators to overcome the challenges they are confronted with in attempting to estimate totally new development environments in the Web/e-commerce world. Typical challenges include how to scope functionality, assess realistic developer efficiency, and tailor the lifecycle processes. Learn how to use these techniques to estimate new project environments and effectively communicate the results of your analysis. Case studies will be provided to illustrate the techniques and their practical application.

Lawrence Putnam, Jr., QSM, Inc.
Software Development Lifecycle: Defect and Test Case Measurement

This article focuses on how to manage the defect and test case measurement during the software development lifecycle. This should be a practical resource for software developers and project managers.

Steve Miller


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