
Architectural Envisioning on Agile Projects

One of the common misperceptions with agile software development is that agilists don't "do architecture." This completely ignores the 11th principle of the Agile Manifesto which states that the best architectures evolve over time. In this article Scott Ambler overviews an agile practice called "architecture envisioning" which enables you to gain the value from modeling without the cost of needless documentation.

Scott W. Ambler's picture Scott W. Ambler

Better Software Magazine Articles

Pitfalls of Developing for the IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables amazing software-powered devices designed to make our business and personal lives easier. Lev Lesokhin discusses four fundamental practices you'll need when developing sophisticated software for the IoT.

Lev Lesokhin's picture Lev Lesokhin
Avoiding the Prioritization Trap

With incoming priorities being requested by just about everybody, how in the world can you and your team prioritize? Brandon shows you some innovative techniques that you can use to turn chaos into order.  One surprising approach is simply handling priorities on a first-in, first-out basis.

Brandon Carlson's picture Brandon Carlson
Which Visual Models Do You Recommend for Test Design?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Rob Sabourin answers one of the questions students ask him most often.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin
A Common Language

Do your stakeholders use different terms to talk about the same concept or use the same term but in a different way? A domain model can clarify key concepts and the relationships between them, helping your team resolve ambiguous terms and leading to more productive discussions about project requirements.

Laura Brandenburg's picture Laura Brandenburg


Making Governance Work on Agile Teams: An Interview with Scott Ambler

Dr. Dobbs senior contributing editor Scott Ambler sits down with Noel Wurst at to discuss how agile team governance does not have to have a negative stigma. Scott helps people see through naive assumptions, while eliminating out of control governance to get teams back on track.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst

Conference Presentations

STARWEST Testing Use Model-Based Testing to Navigate the Software Forest

Even seemingly simple software systems can be a dense forest of intersecting logical pathways which may leave you wondering if your testing was robust enough. Traditional test cases are flawed since they only execute the pathways the tester considered at the time the test case was written...

Jon Fetrow
Model-Based Testing with Keywords

Model-based testing can be a powerful alternative to just writing test cases. However, modeling tools are specialized and not suitable for everyone. On the other hand, keyword-driven test automation has gained wide acceptance as a powerful way to create maintainable automated tests, and...

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear
Model-Based Testing: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques

For decades, software development tools and methods have evolved with an emphasis on modeling. Standards like UML and SysML are now used to develop some of the most complex systems in the world. However, test design remains a largely manual, intuitive process.

Adam Richards, Critical Logic
Create a One-Page Capacity Model for High-Traffic Web Applications

In the test lab and in production everything hinges on looking at the right performance metrics. A common problem for engineering teams is that they don’t know what metrics they should be analyzing. It’s easy to get lost in an ocean of data from disparate monitoring tools and...

Dan Bartow, SOASTA Inc.

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