
Signs Build or Buy? 5 Reasons Why Your Application Needs an Error Monitoring System Versus Building Your Own

The best way to ensure users have a positive customer experience is to use error monitoring to catch errors in real time so you can respond immediately. Error monitoring provides hope for avoiding poor app store ratings and for keeping customers satisfied.

James Smith's picture James Smith
Continuous Testing Risks Manage the Business Risks of Application Development with Continuous Testing

Continuous testing provides a real-time, objective assessment of the business risks associated with an application under development. Ultimately, continuous testing can provide a quantitative assessment of risk and produce actionable tasks that will help mitigate these risks before progressing to the next stage of the software development lifecycle.

Wayne Ariola's picture Wayne Ariola
testing chart An Incremental Technique to Pay Off Testing Technical Debt

Technical debt can shorten a product's life. But when technical debt mounts, it can be difficult to see how to pay it off. Using the practices discussed in this column, Johanna Rothman explains how you can start paying off that debt—and how to ease the product's development and maintenance for a long time.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
What Testers Can Do About Technical Debt (Part 2)

Signs of technical debt are everywhere in software development organizations, ranging from developers leaving because they're tired of only doing maintenance, to daily patches being released for poorly tested products. In Johanna Rothman's Part 1 column, she listed several indicators of technical debt. She continues the topic by showing how you can diagnose the magnitude of the debt, and some things you can do to decrease it.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman

Better Software Magazine Articles

How to Avoid Unnecessary Technical Debt in Mobile App Development Projects

When task completion falls behind and more work is lined up for later, you've entered the land of technical debt. This is particularly true in mobile app development. Brian Westendorf presents practical advice to avoid this situation.

Brian Westendorf's picture Brian Westendorf

Conference Presentations

STARCANADA Testing Leading, Following, or Managing? You Can Help Your Group Thrive

As testers or test managers, being effective mentors, coaches, and leaders is critical to our team’s success. Quite often we also play important roles in driving change, influencing others, and helping individuals, teams, and the business move from where they are to a higher level of...

Isabel Evans
Agile DevOps Five XP Practices for Agile Development

Five development practices compose the core of Extreme Programming (XP)—automating the build for continuously integrating software as it is written, collaborating with team members through pair programming, practicing agile design skills that enable testability, using test first...

David Bernstein
Quality Debt: Is Your Project Going Bankrupt?

Every decision made during the course of a project can affect the quality of the final product.  Compromises in functionality, design, or implementation invariably come with a cost, which must be paid. Without an adequate measure of the debt a product is carrying, no strategy to repay...

Jordan Setters, Planit Software Testing, Ltd.
Pay Now or Pay More Every Day: Reduce Technical Debt Now!

Is your team missing delivery dates? Is your velocity inconsistent from sprint to sprint? Are customers complaining about defects or the time it takes to add new features? These are signs that you are mired in technical debt-a metaphor that describes the long-term costs of doing something in a quick and dirty way and not going back to clean up the mess. Fadi Stephan shares a technical debt management approach to help you make prudent decisions on how much effort to invest in reducing technical debt. Discover ways to measure the quality of your current code base and determine the cost of eventual rework hanging over your system. Learn how to engage executives and get buy-in on a debt removal plan that will improve system design, increase the quality of your code, and return your team to high productivity. If you are burdened with technical debt, the choice is to pay now or continue paying more every day-forever.

Fadi Stephan, Excella Consulting

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