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Building a Solid Scrum Foundation Requires Clear Roles[magazine]

Without clearly defined roles and responsibilities, actions taken by key project stakeholders may result in project misfires. Kyle shows what you should do to avoid the situation when roles are misunderstood, overlapped, or completely missing.

Kyle  Roozen 's picture Kyle Roozen
Streamlining Build Processes and Configuration Management Streamlining Build Processes and Configuration Management for Truly Agile Organizations[article]

Technology-driven companies, regardless of size and scale, are facing the increasing need to ship better code faster while meeting business requirements. This requires collaboration and interaction among the traditional information technology infrastructure library (ITIL), information technology service management (ITSM), and development teams for a truly agile organization to emerge.

Rohit Mukherjee's picture Rohit Mukherjee
Configuration Management: The Ultimate Conductor in the Product Lifecycle[magazine]

When you think of configuration management, build automation and version control usually come to mind. Dave presents a perspective that shows the important role CM plays in the entire product and project lifecycle.

Dave Lyon's picture Dave Lyon
Introducing the DevOps Database Gap Introducing the DevOps Database Gap[article]

Yaniv Yehuda details how DevOps is a natural evolution within the software industry as it drives business value and enables the organization. This article will describe how database management and the database administrators need to be part of any comprehensive DevOps approach.

Yaniv  Yehuda's picture Yaniv Yehuda
From Practitioner to Published Author: A Workshop about Writing about Software[presentation]

Beth Romanik and Jonathan Vanian, who write and edit stories for Software Quality Engineering's websites and publications, present a bonus session for Better Software Conference East 2013 about writing about software.

Beth Romanik and Jonathan Vanian, Software Quality Engineering
The Bugs That Deceived Me The Bugs That Deceived Me[article]

Every time we look at the data, we perform an analysis that helps us make decisions—hopefully the right ones. In this article, Gil Zilberfeld describes a few traps where bug data misled him to make bad decisions. These traps are in the data itself, not the tools, and can lead us in the wrong direction.

Gil Zilberfeld's picture Gil Zilberfeld
2013: A Year of Software Development and Testing in Quotes [article]

In this roundup of noteworthy quotes from industry experts interviewed in 2013, read about what constitutes effective agile methods, the year in testing techniques, and why you shouldn't put too much trust in the latest and greatest tools.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Configuration Management and DevOps Stories 2013's Biggest Configuration Management and DevOps Stories[article]

In 2013, we saw a remarkable number of system glitches involving large trading systems and the exchanges themselves along with a significant number of large banking systems. Bob Aiello writes how these incidents put DevOps best practices and configuration management in the spotlight of many technology reports.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Implement Agile without Breaking the Bank Ways to Implement Agile without Breaking the Bank [article]

James Sullivan explains popular agile frameworks and outlines their costs and benefits. If you're worried that you are at a place where you cannot make the sort of investments that these agile frameworks require, James is here to discuss foundational agile practices that can provide you key benefits without the costs associated with these kinds of agile brands.

James Sullivan
IT leadership specialist Eric Bloom From Steve Jobs's Leadership Style to IT's Evolution in the Workplace: An Interview with Eric Bloom—Part 2[interview]

Eric Bloom is a writer for TechWell and is the president and CTO of Manager Mechanics LLC. In part two of this interview, Eric discusses how IT is becoming more interwined with management than ever before, career challenges for IT staff, and the idea of concierge tech support.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Positive Psychology Can Help Your Organization How Positive Psychology Can Help Your Organization[article]

Positive psychology is providing a new focus on effective ways to ensure that teams exhibit the right behaviors in a group or organizational setting. Closely related to many agile and lean concepts, these emerging practices are helping teams to improve communication, collaborate, and emerge as highly effective groups. Leslie Sachs explains what positive psychology is all about and how to start using these practices in your organization.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
ADC-BSC EAST 2013 Keynote: Worse Is Better—For Better or for Worse[presentation]

More than two decades ago, Richard P. Gabriel proposed the idea that “Worse Is Better” to explain why some things that are designed to be pure and perfect are eclipsed by solutions that are compromised and imperfect. This is not simply an observation that things should be better but are...

Kevlin Henney, Independent Consultant
ADC-BSC EAST 2013 Keynote: Connecting with Customers[presentation]

Even today, to the detriment of agile success, most organizational cultures remain delivery date-driven—resulting in delivery teams that are not focused on creating value for the customer. So how can we redirect stakeholders, the business, and the project team to concentrate on delivering...

Pollyanna Pixton, Accelinnova
ADC-BSC EAST 2013 Keynote: Reading the Tea Leaves: Predicting a Project’s Future[presentation]

Is a project’s fate preordained? Does a project’s past suggest its likely future? Can anything be done to influence that future when the current signs aren’t promising? Payson Hall has participated in and reviewed many projects during his thirty-year career in software development.

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group Inc.
Getting Ready for Your Agile Adventure[presentation]

When a team is ready to embark on an agile adventure, it is vital to consider the behavioral and practical aspects of agile prior to jumping in. Mario shares the important readiness factors within his “Ready, Implement, Coach, and Hone” deployment framework.

Mario Moreira, Agile Consultant


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