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Scrum for Global-Scale Development[presentation]

A global development organization—in seven cities on three continents—has developers all using agile practices to develop complex applications. In addition to the common problems faced by distributed teams, they must deal with attrition rates in excess of 50 percent, possible loss of...

James Lynn, SUTO Consulting
An Interview with Sanjiv Augustine: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series[presentation]

Committed to covering the latest trends and approaches for anyone investigating or implementing agile development practices, processes, technologies, and leadership principles, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series. 

Sanjiv Augustine, LitheSpeed
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference West 2013: Seven Deadly Habits of Dysfunctional Software Managers[presentation]

As if releasing a quality software project on time were not difficult enough, poor management of planning, people, and process issues can be deadly to a project. Presenting a series of anti-pattern case studies, Ken Whitaker describes the most common deadly habits—and ways to avoid them.

Ken Whitaker, Leading Software Maniacs
The Four Dimensions of Performance Improvement[presentation]

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a team dealt with unrealistic deadlines, impossible stakeholders, and demotivated testers, who had  no time to do things smarter and faster, just hammering away on the project “hamster wheel.” Then one day, as if heaven sent, a magical, but...

Marisa Müller, Micro to Mainframe (Pty) Ltd.
Agile Requirements Is Not an Oxymoron[presentation]

Misconceptions abound about the way requirements fit—or don’t fit—into agile projects. Is “agile requirements” an oxymoron—two contradictory terms joined together? How is it possible for requirements to be agile? Do agile projects even need requirements? In reality, requirements are...

Paul Reed, EBG Consulting
The Agile Tester’s Mindset[presentation]

On traditional projects, testers usually join the project after coding has started—or even later when coding is almost finished. Testers have no role in advising the project team early regarding quality issues but focus only on finding defects. They become accustomed to this style of...

Janet Gregory, DragonFire, Inc.
An Interview with Jennifer Bonine: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series[presentation]

Committed to covering the latest tools, trends, and issues regarding software development approaches, plan-driven development methods, and process improvement programs, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series.

Jennifer Bonine, tap|QA Inc.
Testing Cloud-Based Applications: What’s Different, What’s the Same[presentation]

Cloud platforms are being rapidly adopted because of their beneficial properties including scalability, multi-tenancy, and self-managed functionality. As a result, more and more organizations are moving applications and services from traditional hosting to the cloud. This change in...

Bindu Laxminarayan, Rackspace
How to Survive the Coming Test Automation Zombie Apocalypse[presentation]

Test automation is software development. To automate tests well, you have to have brains. Unfortunately, the very brains that make you good at your job also make you highly attractive to zombies. Like all zombies, test automation zombies are brainless, insatiable, and relentless.

Dale Emery, DHE
Leading the Creation of an Agile Culture[presentation]

Even today, to the detriment of agile success, most organizational cultures remain delivery date-driven—resulting in delivery teams that are not focused on creating value for the customer. So how can we redirect stakeholders, the business, and the project team to concentrate on delivering...

Pollyanna Pixton, Accelinnova
An Interview with Scott Ambler: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series[presentation]

Committed to covering the latest trends and approaches for anyone investigating or implementing agile development practices, processes, technologies, and leadership principles, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series. 

Scott Ambler, Scott W. Ambler + Associates
Keynote: The Art of Change: Influence Skills for Leaders[presentation]

An organization’s ability to make improvement, whether for greater agility or other goals, involves two components—a technical component and a people component. The technical component is generally logical, linear, and relatively straightforward, and the technical change agents are...

Dale Emery, DHE
Building Customer Feedback Loops: Learn Quicker, Design Smarter[presentation]

Listening to your customers is critical to developing better software. Their feedback enables you to stay in sync with customer expectations, to make changes before those changes become costly, and to pivot if necessary. Sharif shares five practical tips for building, capturing, and scaling..

Sherif Mansour, Atlassian
Mob Programming: A Whole Team Approach[presentation]

Teamwork is an important component of agile software development. We all agree that teamwork must be nurtured and grown in our organizations. But what does it mean to work as a team in the world of software development? How can we encourage our “teams” to truly work “as a team?” 

Woody Zuill, Hunter Industries
Building a Team Backlog: The Power of Retrospectives[presentation]

“Inspect and adapt” is one of the basic tenets of continuous improvement, and agility in general. Holding retrospectives is one of the core processes that allows teams to look back and reflect on their progress. However, over time, teams may focus only on the product work and lose interest...

Kanchan Khera, McKinsey & Company & Bhuwan Lodha, McKinsey & Company


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