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Agile Test Automation Development[presentation]

We can apply agile development practices to test automation like any other software development project.

Monica Luke, IBM Rational
Story-o-types: The Patterns Within the Stories[presentation]

Have you noticed that similar stories appear over and over again as you develop a system?

Dan Rawsthorne, Danube Technologies
Estimating Business Value[presentation]

Agility focuses on delivering business value to the customers as rapidly as possible. So, how does the team assure the business that it’s delivering the most value possible in the right priority?

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Scaling Agile Adoption Beyond the Development Team[presentation]

Given the success of agile at the development team level, managers are exploring the possibility of implementing agile methodologies across the entire product lifecycle organization-beyond software development.

Michael Cottmeyer, Pillar Technology
Better Software Conference West 2010: Concurrent Testing Games: Developers and Testers Working Together[presentation]

The best software development teams find ways for programmers and testers to work closely together to build quality into their software.

Abby Fichtner, Microsoft
Better Software Conference West 2010: Making a Long Story Short: Splitting User Stories[presentation]

When a single user story mixes both high- and low-value functionality or contains too many or unrelated customer needs, the flow of value slows. You must wait for the whole story to be finished before benefiting from its highest value parts.

Bill Wake, Industrial Logic, Inc.
Coaching Agility--Producing Value[presentation]

If you are an agile coach and your team or organization is struggling to adopt agile methods or is backsliding, this class is for you.

David Hussman, DevJam
Enterprise Agile Adoption: Barriers, Paths, and Cultures[presentation]

While agile adoption continues to grow rapidly in the software product development world, it has not been as widely adopted within enterprise IT departments.

Mike Stuedemann, Medtronic
Performance and Security Testing in Agile Development[presentation]

While most organizations are starting to come to terms with the process aspects of agile, they still face challenges when identifying how to modify their testing practices to be more flexible.

Tracy DeDore, Hewlett-Packard
Cards, Conversation, Confirmation: Interviewing Skills for Agile Requirements[presentation]

Valuable products start with understanding the needs of the customers-what they want and how they will use the product.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates, Inc.
Being There: War Stories from Collocated and Distributed Teams[presentation]

Since the early days of agile, we've known that face-to-face communication is optimal.

Michael Feathers, Object Mentor
Scrum: The Basics[presentation]

Too many software projects spend too much time and money delivering too little, too late. Projects drag on for months, either thrashing from the chaos of ever-changing requirements or rigidly rejecting legitimate changes.

Dale Emery, DHE
The Value of Really Dumb Tests[article]

When you start writing unit tests, the tests that seem useful might be too involved to give a quick payback. The ones you write quickly might seem too trivial to add value. By starting with small, seemingly simple tests, you can both overcome the inertia that stops you from testing and add value to your project.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Five Predictions for 2011[article]

I have a serious reservation about writing any kind of article wherein I prognosticate. I’m not worried I’ll be wrong: in fact, it’s almost certain that the opposite of whatever I wish for will actually transpire. This phenomenon is, at least, deterministic.

All of my predictions are based around a truth that I believe to be incontrovertible: the pace of innovation in business is accelerating, and the timespan to arbitrage each individual new opportunity is shrinking. Unfortunately, the capability to provide a quality solution to take advantage of any given opportunity remains maddeningly constant.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Moving Agile Beyond Software[presentation]

Agility is not a goal for its own sake. More than a great way to build software, agile principles are a way to build a great company that predictably delivers products through alignment and visibility across all parts of the business.

Ryan Martens, Rally Software Development


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