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How Vendors Can Move the CM and ALM Industries Forward[article]

Joe Farah writes from a vendor's perspective where he explains what to do help the configuration management (CM) and application lifecycle management (ALM) industry move forward. Make sure the CM and ALM components and features that you're working on are well defined.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Standards and Frameworks for CM: A Different Perspective[article]

Needs a summary

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
Boring Triggers Snoring[article]

I once attended a presentation by an executive who began by saying, “I want to get through the initial slides so we can get to the interesting stuff.”

How would you react to this remark if you were in his audience?

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Lessons from a Loudmouth[article]

I have a colleague whom I used to view as a loud mouth. He was intelligent, articulate and full of life, but also arrogant and opinionated. He never talked quietly; he shouted, hurling his voice across the room.

One evening, he appeared just as several of us were leaving for dinner after a day-long meeting. I tried to send him go-away vibes, but he wasn’t in receive mode. When one of the others invited him to join us, he eagerly (and loudly) accepted.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
What Agile QA Really Does: Testing Requirements[article]

Teams transitioning to agile struggle with understanding the role of QA and testing. Much of what you read about agile focuses developer testing.  Every project I've worked on which had good QA people had a much higher velocity, and higher quality. And there are limits to what developer Unit Testing can test.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Productivity Through Procrastination[article]

Procrastination is sometimes called the putting-it-off disease. However, I think procrastination is vastly underrated. I rarely get as much done as when I'm putting off doing something I really don't want to do. It's amazing how many things I can find to do.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Risks of Manual Integration Testing in the Context Rapid Change[article]

You have probably come across a situation like this: It's close to a release deadline. The QA team is testing. Developers as testing and fixing problems, and everyone is focused on getting the best product they can out the door on time. During this time, you may notice that someone on the QA team, while working late has found an interesting problem. Unfortunately, your team found and fixed the problem hours before.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Getting Started with Source Code Management (SCM) for Small Teams[article]

Your developers and designers often work on projects simultaneously from around the world. They need to modify the same files, make updates, and deploy multiple versions of the website or code across different sites. All the while, you hope they won’t cross wires, lose track of versions, or overwrite each others’ changes, any which scenario might set your upcoming release or project delivery date back by days. Sound familiar?

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Does Size Matter for Application Lifecycle Management?[article]

Joe Farah attempts to answer whether or not size matters for application lifecycle management. The next generation of CM and ALM processes and tools change the game for small teams. It's no longer a question of what parts of the ALM process we cut out or ignore. Instead, it's how can I compete against a Goliath competitor.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Essentials for Small Team Dynamics in CM Practices[article]

Personality matters a great deal when you need to be able to help a small team implement essential software configuration management practices. Small teams have dynamics just like any other team and you need to know what it takes to help your team achieve success. SCRUMs may have a maximum size of nine members, but you will likely find yourself in organizations where successful teams grow and you have to deal with the dynamics implicit in a successful team that now has new requirements for communicating and working together successfully. In this column, we will take a look at some of the essentials required for small teams.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
To Scrum, Prepare[article]

Agile methods have some sort of daily all-team checkpoint meeting as part of  the process. The idea behind the Daily Scrum (Scrum) or Daily Standup (XP) is good:  replace status meetings (or someone walking around asking about status) with one short daily meeting where everyone has a chance to communicate about what they are doing and what they need help with. 

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
SCM Essentials for Small Teams: Less Can Be More[article]

There are several questions you have to ask and answer when implementing software configuration management (SCM) for small teams: Is the minimalist approach of SCM congruent with my duties to implement sound SCM? Is there a difference between implementing SCM on small versus large teams? Can I pick and choose the concepts of SCM to implement?

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
Four Frequent Feedback-Gathering Flaws[article]

Giving your customers the opportunity to provide feedback is great, but only if you don't fall into one of the four traps that Naomi Karten describes in this article. Let your customers know that not only do you want their feedback, but that you'll actually use the important info they give you.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Sometimes Perception Is the Problem[magazine]

High on a mountain twenty years ago, a wise man shared secrets of problem solving that have served Payson Hall ever since. In this article, Payson passes along a simple definition that offers insights into problems and potential solutions.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Agile-Lean Software Development[article]

Explore application lifecycle management (ALM) concepts and how ALM processes and tools fit into agile software development and and lean development principles.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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