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Life Rafts for a Drowning Project[presentation]

When time is of the essence and stress is high, it's easy to find your team drowning under the weight of impossible deadlines and spiraling requirements.

Peter Clark, Jervis B. Webb Co
Cut the Cards When You Play for Money: Overcoming Resistance to Risk Management[presentation]

In most organizations, the project game is not going particularly well-we continue high stakes wagers on business projects, but lose more often than we win. Sometimes the losses are staggering.

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group Inc
Cultivating High-Performing Teams[presentation]

A high performance, self-governing team is a prerequisite for delivering better software products more quickly. Unfortunately, developing such a team is neither simple nor linear.

Bobbi Underbakke, Adaptive Team Collaboration, Inc.
Secure Software is a Management Issue, Too![presentation]

Development teams are entering a new era of software development. Security will play a critical role because traditional development practices are failing in the face of poor software quality and constant hacker attacks.

Djenana Campara, Klocwork Inc
Lipstick on a Pig - How Illusion Leads to Crisis in Real World Projects[presentation]

Change, ambiguity, and risk are key issues whether you are running a software project, managing a development team, or leading an entire organization. We learn it over and over again.

Andy Kaufman, Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development
A Manager's View -- Evolving from Traditional to Agile Development[presentation]

Go inside a high risk, high reliability application environment with a combination of legacy and newer systems.

Jon Hagar, Jon Hagar Educational Services
Develop and Deliver Secure Web-based Systems[presentation]

Gartner Group estimates that three-fourths of today's successful Web attacks do not happen via network security flaws but rather by entering directly through defects in application code.

Dennis Hurst, SPI Dynamics Inc
Agile QA - An Oxymoron?[presentation]

Your software development group is adopting Agile practices. Documentation and processes now are lightweight. There are more unit tests, and all are automated. The software changes quickly with new releases every one to two weeks.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
The Return on Investment for Finding Defects in Test[presentation]

For testers, finding defects is a way of life. However, we usually don't reflect on what an undiscovered defect can cost a business or how much it costs to find defects late in development.

Geoff Horne, iSQA
Classic Mistakes in Testing: Revisited[presentation]

Some common testing practices seem appealing ... but rarely seem to actually work. Yet software development organizations choose them again and again. Project behind schedule? Just shorten the testing phase!

Matthew Heusser, Priority Health
Tips for Performing A Test Process Assessment[presentation]

Looking for a systematic model to help improve testing practices within your team, department, or enterprise? Recently, Lee Copeland has led several, major test process assessment projects for both small and large test organizations.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Software Quality Metrics as Agents for Change[presentation]

What is the purpose of software quality metrics and what values do they provide to the organization? What metrics not only report on and but also help drive changes and improvements in software quality?

James Bampos, EMC Corporation
Leading Cultural Change When Implementing Process Improvements[presentation]

When we are part of an improvement initiative such as CMMI®, Six Sigma, or Agile practices, we often focus on the technical aspects and pay little attention to the people and cultural issues.

Jennifer Bonine, Express Scripts
Lean Software Contracts[presentation]

Agile development is great, but it cannot possibly be for you because your software development is done under a contract-outsourced or under an internal service agreement. Right? Wrong!

Mary Poppendieck, Poppendieck LLC
Describing Software Requirements with User Stories[presentation]

All projects start with needs or requirements. How those requirements are documented and expressed has a tremendous affect on the rest of the project.

Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software


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