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The Test Strategist's Toolbox[presentation]

As a decision-making framework, a test strategy outlines the vision and values that drive the project and keeps you on a clear path in times of change or uncertainty.

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions
Model-Based Testing Meets Exploratory Testing[presentation]

When we are faced with software with unknown requirements or software in an unstable condition, exploratory testing is a cost-effective test technique.

Harry Robinson, Google
Controlling Performance Testing in an Uncontrolled World[presentation]

Think about it ...

Jim Robinson, LexisNexis
Navigating the Minefield of Open Source Test Tools[presentation]

Each year more and more open source development tools, including test tools, are available. By choosing to use open source test tools, companies expect to save money and take advantage of the community of shared development.

Jeff Jewell, ProtoTest LLC
Testing Inside the Box[presentation]

These days, we hear a lot about unit testing, testing for programmers, test-first programming, and the like. Design techniques for such tests and for improving system testing are often called white box test designs.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting
STAREAST 2005: Testing Dialogues - Management Issues[presentation]

As a test manager, are you struggling at work with a BIG test management issue or a personnel issue? If so, this session is for you.

Facilitated by Esther Derby and Robert Sabourin
Structured Testing within the Rational Unified Process[presentation]

Many organizations have adopted, or are in the process of adopting, the Unified Process (UP) and, in particular, the Rational Unified Process (RUP).

Tim Koomen, Sogeti - Netherlands
A Tester's "Wonderful Life" in an Agile Development Shop[presentation]

Some subscribe to the notion that agile methods-such as eXtreme programming (XP) and test-driven development-eliminate the need for QA and testing specialists.

Greg Grivas, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
Integrating In-house Tesing with Outsourced Development[presentation]

For many companies the lure of cutting costs by outsourcing, particularly with offshore software

Steve Splaine and Padmanabhan Surendhar, Nielsen Media Research
From Waterfall to Unified Process: A QA Department View[presentation]

When Chemical Abstracts Service adopted the Unified Process (UP) for software development at the same time it changed to J2EE technology, the QA Department had to find its way into this new environment. The problem?

Michael Buening, Chemical Abstracts Services
Lightening Talks: A Potpourri of 5-Minute Presentations[presentation]

Lightning Talks are nine five-minute talks in a fifty-minute time period. Lightning Talks represent a much smaller investment of time than track speaking and offer the chance to try out conference speaking without the heavy commitment.

Matthew Heusser, Priority-Health
Put an End to the Defect Report-Fix-Check-Rework Cycle[presentation]

Many software organizations have mature defect tracking processes and tooling.

Richard Leavitt, Rally Software Development
Can You Find Bugs in Your Pajamas? Becoming an Effective Telecommuting Tester[presentation]

Distributed development teams, including test engineers, are becoming more the norm than the
exception. Many individual testers and test managers perform some of their job duties from

Andy Roth, IBM Rational Software
STAREAST 2005: Testing Dialogues - Technical Issues[presentation]

Is there an important technical test issue bothering you? Or, as a test engineer, are you looking for some career advice?

Facilitated by Esther Derby and Robert Sabourin
TPI Test Process Improvement Model Facts and Figures[presentation]

Since the publication of the test process improvement (TPI®) model in the 1990s, many organizations have used it to help establish and improve their test processes.

Ruud Teunissen, POLTEQ IT Services BV


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