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STAREAST 2002: Testing Web Site Security[presentation]

The Internet can be a less-than-secure place to conduct business. So how do you make sure your Web site is secure from attack? Is a firewall the only line of defense you need?

Steve Splaine, Splaine & Associates
Software Inspection: A Failure Story?[presentation]

Even the most successful inspections can fail if team members aren't vigilant.

Dorothy Graham, Grove Consultants
The Context-Driven Approach to Software Testing[presentation]

Several jokes about consultants revolve around the idea that they answer most questions by saying "It depends." The context-driven school of testing accepts the "It depends" reality but then asks, "Depends on what?" Rather than talking about

Cem Kaner, Florida Institute of Technology
Get Real ! The Importance of Realism for Web Site Capacity Assessment[presentation]

What is meant by Internet realism during load testing/capacity assessment? Part of it is understanding the importance of not only carefully characterizing the behavior of visitors to a Web site, but also the behavior of the Internet itself.

Philip Joung, Caw Networks
Teach Your Automation Tool To Be As Smart As You[presentation]

Teach your automation tool to speak your language instead of the other way around.

Bonnie Bayly, Anteon Corporation
Using Metrics to Govern Outsourced Applications[presentation]

Outsourcing arrangements are established on the basis of a contractual partnership, with both parties having a vested interest in the success of the relationship.

Eric Buel, Eric Buel and Associates, Inc.
The Road to UML is Paved with Good Intentions[presentation]

A picture is worth a thousand words. Does that mean that a model is worth a thousand requirements? A thousand test cases?

Dion Johnson, Pointe Technology Group
Test Management in Turbulent Times[presentation]

In uncertain circumstances, the challenges facing test managers are numerous and, at times, daunting. Layoffs, reorganizations, restricted resources, and job concerns can contribute to the disruption of the status quo at any given time.

Lauri MacKinnon, Phase Forward Inc and Eric Patel, VeriTest Inc/Lionbridge Technologies
How to Thoroughly Test Your Data Warehouse[presentation]

The purpose of this paper is to describe general data warehouse structure and background, as well as specific situations encountered during the testing effort for our project.

Suellen Arbuckle, Eli Lilly & Company and Rebecca Cooper
Web Log Analysis for Performance Troubleshooting[presentation]

Web server logs contain powerful-but often hidden-information about the performance of your Web application. In this session, you'll learn how easy it is to enlarge your toolkit for Web performance testing.

Giuseppe Cassone, Telecom Italia Lab SPA
Test Automation with Pure Data[presentation]

While Web-based GUI testing is all the rage, lots of us still operate in a world of UNIX shells, command lines, and scripts.

Brian Brumfield, Hewlett-Packard Openview
Testing The Chain: End-to-End Integration Test[presentation]

When processes include several applications, the testing process is complicated in many ways.

Gerard Numan, POLTEQ, B.V.
Basis Path Testing for Structural and Integration Testing[presentation]

Basis path testing is a structural testing technique that identifies test cases based on the flows or logical paths that can be taken through the software.

Theresa Hunt, The Westfall Team
Calculating the Return on Investment of Testing[presentation]

While revenues, cash flow, and earnings are vital statistics of a company's well-being, they're the by-product of what the company actually offers up as a product or service.

James Bampos, VeriTest Inc/Lionbridge Technologies and Eric Patel
Measuring and Benchmarking IT Performance[presentation]

IT leaders strive to continuously improve their software development and support practices by keeping watch on the industry's best practices.

Andy Sanchez, The David Consulting Group, Inc.


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