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A Comparison of IBM's Orthogonal Defect Classification to Hewlett Packard's Defect Origins, Types, and Modes[article]

In the last three years, the author has worked with seven Software Development teams to help them categorize defects using Hewlett Packard's Defect Origins, Types, and Modes. More recently, the author has assisted a software testing and development organization analyze the results of defects categorized using IBM's Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC).

John Huber
How Did I Get So Jaded?[article]

Churning out medium-grade software to meet deadlines, and experiencing critically defective projects over the years, can easily wear down optimism till it gives way to cynicism in the software testing and quality professions. In this column, Eileen Strider empathizes with that tendency and offers ideas that may improve the quality of your experience.

Eileen Strider
Removing Requirement Defects and Automating Test[article]

Organizations face many problems that impede rapid development of software systems critical to their operations and growth. This paper discusses model-based
development and test automation methods that reduce the time and resources necessary to develop high quality systems. The focus is how organizations have implemented this approach of model-based verification to reduce requirements defects, manual test development effort, and development rework to achieve significant cost and schedule savings.

Mark Blackburn
Designing an Automated Web Test Environment[article]

This paper offers an alternative to the typical automated test scripting method of "record and playback now and enhance the automation environment later." It explores a regression automation system design for testing Internet applications through the GUI, along with scripting techniques to enhance the scalability and flexibility of an automated test suite. This paper will present a basic
structure for an automated test environment, and will expand on each of the items found in that structure. Web testing levels will be laid out, along with a basic approach to designing test scripts based on those Web-testing levels.

Dion Johnson's picture Dion Johnson
When Test Drives the Development Bus[article]

Having finished our last project, which ended as a fire drill as usual, the managers of development and test concluded that we didn't ever want to go through that again. All agreed the test team had been riding the development cycle bus long enough.

Cindy Necaise
How to Jump-Start Inspection by Outsourcing[article]

Even though the benefits of inspection have been extensively documented, you may find it hard to introduce this practice into your development process. A novel approach to finding defects, an outsourced software inspection service is easier to introduce and has successfully jump-started inspection in the software development organizations of major telecommunications and industrial process companies.

Jasper Kamperman
Configuration Management for Distributed Development[article]

Configuration Management (CM) includes synchronizing and supporting developers in their common development and maintenance of a system. In order to utilize skilled personnel despite geographical location, groups of developers are now working all over the world on the development of common systems, a situation called distributed development. This article discusses the different cases and architectures with respect to distributed development and their demands on Configuration Management Tools. It also presents the features of some currently available CM tools that support Distributed Development.

Nina RajKumar
Enterprise Strategy for Nurturing Reusable Components[article]

This paper explains how to identify good reusable components and describes a strategy for maintaining reusable components.

VijayShankar Athmalingam
Stay on Track in Any Economy[article]

This is a short article that lists some of the things the authors have found can contribute significantly to achieving project success. These points are all the more relevant and useful in tough times, where all project teams are trying to accomplish more with less.

Andrea MacIntosh
A Hudson's Bay Start[article]

The correlation between project size and project failure is well known in the software industry. Despite this well documented danger, companies continue to sponsor huge projects. It's unlikely we will talk executives out of their dreams of huge projects, but we can talk with them about ways to manage the inherent risks. Often a short story is worth a thousand words. The "Hudson's Bay Start" is one of these stories and a great risk reduction technique.

Eileen Strider
Where Does Exploratory Testing Fit?[article]

Exploratory tests, unlike scripted tests, are not defined in advance or carried out precisely according to a plan. So where and how do they fit with the other tasks testers must perform? James Bach, a chief proponent of exploratory testing, provides some insight on how best to exercise exploration in your testing effort.

James Bach's picture James Bach
Targeted Software Fault Insertion[article]

This paper presents data on the effectiveness of software fault insertion, discusses the advantages and risks of fault insertion, provides tips on gaining cultural acceptance for fault insertion and suggests high payback areas for fault insertion which have proven themselves over multiple products. In a typical software development cycle, defect detection starts to trail off once the mainline code stabilizes. With software fault insertion, it was found that the defect detection rate does not level off and the hardest task becomes not one of finding defects but one of prioritizing the stream of defects.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
What You Don't Know May Help You[article]

Some testers take it upon themselves to learn as much as possible about the inner workings of the system under test. This type of "gray box" testing is valuable, and most testers have the technical wherewithal to grasp much of what's going on behind the scenes. But it's important to recognize that sometimes "ignorance is strength" when it comes to finding problems that users will encounter.

Bret Pettichord's picture Bret Pettichord
Agile Development[magazine]

Technical Editor Brian Marick explains the values behind the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. Above all, Agile practitioners value: individuals and interactions; working software; customer collaboration; and responding to change.

Brian Marick
Testing Strategy for a Web Site[article]

The Quality Management System (QMS) aims at automating the Quality Processes in a Software Industry. The system is built having Adaptive Quality System (AQS) as its reference.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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