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A Day in the Life of a Test Architect[presentation]
Although Lee Hawkins stumbled into testing—in 1999 after migrating from the UK to Australia amid a tech boom time—he has since become a passionate member of the worldwide testing community and currently holds the title of principal test architect. So, what does that really mean? |
Lee Hawkins
Design for Testability in Practice[presentation]
With the drive for continuous integration and delivery, the implications and approaches for designing more testable software are receiving substantial discussion and debate. What does testability really mean in practice? How do you take the idea of testability—how easy it is to test... |
Nir Szilagyi
Agile Testing Process Analytics: From Data to Insightful Information[presentation]
In recent years, businesses have raised their expectations for development projects while cutting back on financial resources and demanding shorter production cycles. Jonathan Alexander says that to meet these growing demands and succeed as a testing manager, you need to leverage agile... |
Jonathan Alexander
IoT Software Testing Challenges: The IoT World Is Really Different[presentation]
With billions of devices containing new software connected to the Internet, the Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to become the next growth area for software development and testing. Although many traditional test techniques and strategies remain viable, challenges in IoT testing include... |
Jon Hagar
Automated Testing Using Selenium[presentation]
Is your company thinking about using Selenium to implement test automation in a joint development and operations environment? If your company has already started using Selenium, have you experienced execution or integration challenges? The path to a well-oiled and successful Selenium test... |
Jin Reck
Big Data, Big Trouble: Getting into the Flow of Hadoop Testing[presentation]
Big Data, one of the latest buzzwords in our industry, involves working with petabytes of data captured by various systems and making sense of that data in some way. Maryam Umar has found that testing systems like Hadoop is very challenging because of the frequency with which the data... |
Maryam Umar
Take Charge of Your Testing Career: Bring Your Skills to the Next Level[presentation]
Far too often in our careers we trust our fate to employers. We attend training and acquire skills needed for our jobs today. Unfortunately, as far too many have learned, careers can be stalled when you don't have the right skill sets. Much of testing’s future requires automation ability... |
Jared Richardson
Go Test Yourself: A Self-Testing Automation Pattern[presentation]
Today even the simplest applications are built with numerous technologies, creating an ever-expanding need for tests. If you’ve built an automation framework and a suite of tests, Prakash Karaka says you are off to a good start. However, as your application changes expand, you are required... |
Prakash Karaka
The Role of Testers as Requirements Dealers[presentation]
Those of us in the business analyst role are encouraged to communicate with clients, while other roles in an organization may not have the same opportunity. However, talking to clients must not be limited to business analysts. Jyothi Rangaiah believes that testers need to talk to the... |
Jyothi Rangaiah
Adaptive Automation: Tests that Recover Instead of Failing[presentation]
Are you tired of flaky automation scripts that fail without apparent cause? Are most script failures due to bugs in the test script rather than bugs in the product? Do you simply want to get more out of your automation framework? Many testers and organizations are frustrated with the high... |
Scott Miles
Seven Steps to Pragmatic Mobile Testing[presentation]
Mobile testing is getting harder—more devices, multiple operating systems, higher quality expectations, and shorter development cycles. How do you deal with these demands? In order to align mobile testing with product strategies and market goals, Tom Chavez says you first need to (1) know... |
Tom Chavez
Smart Combinatorial Testing[presentation]
In the right hands, combinatorial testing can be a powerful testing strategy to reduce the number of tests. Unfortunately, when used improperly, it can hurt more than it helps. Ingo Philipp explains that there is not one single combinatorial testing technique that guarantees success. |
Ingo Philipp
The Path to Test Leadership: A Road Less Traveled[presentation]
Are you interested in growing into a test leadership position? Or do you shy away from leadership because you think you’ll lose your technical, hands-on testing skills? Regardless of your experience level, technical programming knowledge, and company organizational structure, following... |
Tariq King
Agile Testing for Embedded and IoT Software Development[presentation]
Much of the success of agile adoptions is due to the automated testing approach used in agile projects. Because many of these techniques were pioneered in the development of web applications, it can be difficult to see how these techniques can be leveraged for a project where software is... |
Thomas Stiehm
The Four V’s of Big Data Testing: Variety, Volume, Velocity, and Veracity[presentation]
The expression “garbage, garbage out” emphasizes the need for thorough testing in any Big Data and analytics implementation. Big Data testing means ensuring the correctness and completeness of voluminous, often heterogeneous, data as it moves across different stages—ingestion, storage... |
Jaya Bhagavathi Bhallamudi