
How to Use Your Data in an Agile Environment: An Interview with Larry Maccherone

In this interview, Larry Maccherone, the director of analytics and research at AgileCraft, explains how you can better use data within your software team. He digs into metrics and measurements within an agile environment and how to determine what data is valuable.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin

Conference Presentations

Agile + DevOps East Feature Flagging: Proven Patterns for Control and Observability in Continuous Delivery

Are you moving faster than fast? Congrats! Chances are you already use feature flags to decouple code deployments from feature rollouts.

Dave Karow
Agile + DevOps East Agile Metrics: Let NUM8ERS Tell the Story

Agile and DevOps metrics and dashboards enable agile teams and their leaders to measure time to market, quality, productivity, predictability, employee engagement, and customer satisfaction.

Jagdish Karira
BSE Testing Pin the Tail on the Metric: A Field-Tested Agile Game

Metrics don’t have to be a necessary evil. If done right, metrics can help guide us to make better forward-looking decisions, rather than being used for simply managing or monitoring. They can help us identify trade-offs between options for what to do next versus punitive or worse...

Steve Martin

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