

Eight Mistakes that Prevent DevOps Success Eight Mistakes that Prevent DevOps Success

DevOps is more than just a buzzword; it’s about delivering value to customers faster and more reliably. Jonathan Thorpe explains eight mistakes that can dramatically increase cycle time and slow the flow of releases to customers, which is counter to the goals of DevOps.

Jonathan Thorpe's picture Jonathan Thorpe
What the Cloud Wishes It Were

Chris Riley writes that when an organization is considering the cloud, it has to consider its approach as well. The cloud was built on the principles of initiating things fast, and only what you need when you need it. The cloud was not built for people who follow the mantras of  “set it and forget it” and “plan for everything ahead of time.”

Chris Riley
2012: The Year of DevOps

Scott Ambler explains how DevOps has grown within the agile community, and why he believes it will become an IT buzzword in 2012. DevOps uses agile's community-based teamwork and offers developers and those in operations a great way to make everyone's job easier.

Scott W. Ambler's picture Scott W. Ambler
Agile Leadership for Mid-Managers

Len Whitmore explores how the growth of agile changes the roles, responsibilities, and titles of mid-managers more so than any other management group, because agile practices require more leadership and less of what is considered traditional management techniques.

Len Whitmore

Better Software Magazine Articles

How Do You Know When It's Time To Go?

Whether you are in a toxic work situation, or you feel you are no longer performing effectively, sometimes you find yourself at a crossroads in your job and you have to ask yourself, "Should I stay, or is it time to move on?"

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Do You Work in IT?

A self-professed latecomer to IT, Danny Faught has a new appreciation for the challenges faced when developing products for an internal customer rather than products for sale.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught

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