mind maps


mind map diagram Using Mind Maps to Create Comprehensive Test Plans in Your ALM

Mind maps work well for planning the test strategy and monitoring project status. Mind-mapping software makes all this easy, and the visual presentation keeps everyone in the loop. Ritinder Kaur shows how mind maps can communicate ideas clearly and help you execute them exactly to create a comprehensive test plan.

Ritinder Kaur's picture Ritinder Kaur
Boost Your DevOps Testing Efforts How to Use Mind Maps to Boost Your DevOps Testing Efforts

Mind maps have several applications, but few QA teams are aware of their usefulness when applied to testing software. Visual, fun to play with, and free to use, mind maps can spur creativity and group collaboration. This article helps explain how to use mind maps to organize your testing efforts, supporting the rapid rate of delivery inherent in a successful DevOps organization.

Mush Honda's picture Mush Honda

Better Software Magazine Articles

Which Visual Models Do You Recommend for Test Design?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Rob Sabourin answers one of the questions students ask him most often.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin
X Marks the Test Case: Using Mind Maps For Software Design

If you've run through the standard design approaches and still need that killer test case, try mind maps.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin

Conference Presentations

BSE Testing Use Mind Maps to Increase Team Velocity and Communication

Ever sit in a strategy review session and get little or no participation from others? Or feel like you left a planning session with a different understanding of what was agreed to? If you feel there must be a more effective way to communicate important information around your strategy and...

Jennifer Bonine

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