

Agile Development for Enterprise Software Scaling Agile Development for Enterprise Software

Enterprise development organizations are increasingly embracing agile as a concept, if not entirely in practice. That’s because adopting and scaling agile methodologies for large, complex enterprise software projects can seem daunting. Larry Ayres shares some tips for scaling agile development for enterprise software.

Larry Ayres's picture Larry Ayres
Attacking Silos with DevOps Attacking Silos with DevOps

Many professionals, while having expertise in their technical niche, are sometimes less than perfect at communicating effectively with colleagues from other departments. This can result in departments failing to work effectively together; these departments resemble silos more than a collaborative and cohesive organization. This article will help you identify and understand some of the reasons why teams operate in silos and what you can do to change that.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Do Your Agents Match Your Team Members' Personalities? Do Your Change Agents Match Your Team Members' Personalities?

Configuration management focuses on software process improvement in an organization in many important ways, impacting the application build, package, and deployment. However, some organizations are more open to change than others. If you want to be successful at bringing about positive change, then you need to be able to assess and understand the personality of your organization and identify the key change agents who can help you get the job done.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Small Teams in a Large Organization

Ben Weatherall writes that the need to tailor existing SCM tools should be kept to a minimum and the solutions be implemented is such a way as to be reused in the future. Additional SCM requirements for these teams over and above those already in place are generally modest.

Ben Weatherall's picture Ben Weatherall

Better Software Magazine Articles

How Do You Know When It's Time To Go?

Whether you are in a toxic work situation, or you feel you are no longer performing effectively, sometimes you find yourself at a crossroads in your job and you have to ask yourself, "Should I stay, or is it time to move on?"

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
A Fond Farewell

Get our technical editors’ take on everything that relates to the industry, technically speaking. In this issue, Esther Derby says farewell, but as she goes, she leaves some parting tips on writing.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby

Conference Presentations

Agile + DevOps East AWS Lambda: Best Practices and Common Mistakes

AWS Lambda is a serverless architecture that relieves you of hardware and scaling setup concerns. AWS Lambda functions are used by many organizations for serverless application development and automating DevOps tasks.

Derek Ashmore
Agile + DevOps East Engaging Leadership: The Missing Piece for Enhancing Agile Adaptation

As W. Edwards Deming wrote, "It is not enough that top management commit themselves for life to quality and productivity. They must know what it is that they are committed to—that is, what they must do. These obligations cannot be delegated."

Reha Malik Gill

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