Conference Presentations

Achieving Test Automation Critical Mass with Action Based Testing

Despite advances in testing, the reality is that companies often automate less than 30 percent of their functional tests. By practicing Action Based Testing (ABT) you can take your...

John Kane
Better Test Designs to Drive Test Automation Excellence

Test execution automation is often seen as a technical challenge-a matter of applying the right technology, tools, and smart programming talent. However, such efforts and projects often fail to meet expectations with results that are difficult to manage and maintain-especially for large and complex systems. Hans Buwalda describes how the choices you make for designing tests can make-or break-a test automation project. Join Hans to discover why good automated tests are not the same as the automation of good manual tests and how to break down tests into modules-building blocks-in which each has a clear scope and purpose. See how to design test cases within each module to reflect that module's scope and nothing more. Hans explains how to tie modules together with a keyword-based test automation framework that separates the automation details from the test itself to enhance maintainability and improve ROI.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
The Elusive Tester-Developer Ratio

Perhaps the most sought after and least understood metric in software testing is the ratio of testers to developers. Many people are interested in learning the standard industry ratio so that they can determine the proper size of their test organization. Randy Rice presents the results of his recent research on this metric and explores the wide range of tester-developer ratios in organizations worldwide. Learn why this metric is almost always not the best way to determine your test organization’s staffing levels and how to understand and apply this metric in more helpful ways. Find out how different tester-developer ratios relate to test effectiveness. Take away a new appreciation of your own tester-developer ratio and ways to meaningfully convey this metric to management to help rightsize your test team and improve the ROI of testing. Determine the "right ratio" of testers to developers in your team and company.

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services
The Business Case for Test Automation

In tight economic times, it's more important than ever to show a return on technology investments, including test automation. Unfortunately, management's expectations are usually unrealistic in that they expect immediate results and aren't prepared for the ongoing level of investment required after the tool is purchased. Find out why the benefits traditionally promised-reduced test resources and cycle time-are misleading and inaccurate.

Linda Hayes, WorkSoft, Inc.

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