7 Fundamentals of a Successful Testing Team

Greg Paskal

You want to build an effective testing team, but you’re asking yourself, “Where do I begin?” Greg Paskal, a quality assurance engineer with over thirty years of testing experience, shares seven keys to building a successful testing team. Learn the fundamentals every tester should know and how to build upon them to achieve an effective manual and automated testing strategy. Greg’s minimal essential testing strategy (METS), coupled with his proven experience, will help you build an amazing testing organization. Greg will provide specific instruction through each of these seven areas, including fundamentals of software testing, how to begin implementing and executing the METS manual test strategy, outfitting your manual test team with automated testing, and the importance of building strategic partnerships across your IT and technology organization. Learning to leverage these skills and tools will enable your testing team to uncover the hard-to-find defects. Join Greg to find out how to secure the right foundation as you embark on building an exceptional testing team.


[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHKF9cObeB4 width:300 height:200 align:right]

About the Presenter

Greg Paskal is a natural innovator, pioneering new approaches across the Quality Assurance landscape. Greg enjoys mentoring others in sustainable approaches to manual and automated testing. Author of Test Automation in the Real World and countless technical publications, Greg can be heard on the TestTalks podcast with Joe Colantonio. Creator of METS the Minimal Essential Testing Strategy, Greg’s approach is recognized and taught by ASTQB as an effective, manual testing strategy. Greg has spoken at numerous conferences including Automation Guild, StarEast, StarWest, and QA Trailblazers. Greg founded the Open Test Technology Forum, encouraging collaboration and focusing on greater quality across the SDLC. Find Greg on LinkedIn and learn more about his work at METSTesting.com, RealWorldTestAutomation.com and RecognizeAnother.com.

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