Agile Testing in the Large: Stories and Patterns of Transformation

Robert Galen, Software Testing Consultant

You're part of a large test organization that has invested money, sweat, and tears in test processes, plans, cases, and automation tools that have served you well. You've built a team that excels in your development environment. In fact, everyone is depending on you to verify sound engineering practices and formally assure product quality. Now agile methods are being adopted in your organization and messing up everything. Developers and testers are pushed together with the hope that quality will somehow still happen. Is this your future? Bob Galen describes patterns of testing that he's found helpful in large-scale teams when they transition from traditional to agile testing. Join Bob to explore compliance and regulatory actions, sorting out bugs in triage, test planning and tracking, reporting test coverage, making release readiness decisions, influencing the broader development team, creating agile test automation, thriving in large-scale agile environments, and more.

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