AI for Testing Tomorrow (Panel: Part II)

Tariq King

What does AI mean for the future of testing? What aspects of testing will the machines replace? What things will AI soon be better than humans at and what things will humans always do better than AI? This panel explores the future of AI for testing including thoughts on how humans can prepare for a future of testing where we work alongside AI. Hear experts discuss their views on the future impact of AI in testing and where the boundary between human and AI-powered testing truly lives.

About the Presenter

Tariq King is the senior director and engineering fellow for quality and performance at Ultimate Software. With more than fifteen years’ experience in software testing research and practice, Tariq heads Ultimate Software’s quality program by providing technical and people leadership, strategic direction, staff training, and research and development in software quality and testing practices. Tariq is a frequent presenter at conferences and workshops, has published more than thirty research articles in IEEE- and ACM-sponsored journals, and has developed and taught software testing courses in both industry and academia. His primary research interest is engineering autonomous self-testing systems. He is cofounder with Jason Arbon of the Artificial Intelligence for Software Testing Association. Contact Tariq via LinkedIn.

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