Analyze Customer-Found Defects to Improve System Testing
How do we know if we have made the right choices regarding the way we tested a product? Did we focus our efforts in the right areas? Only a careful and orchestrated analysis of customer-found bugs will give us the answers. You can obtain a wealth of information from post-release bugs: the need for more code coverage in our tests, the value of our regression testing, the validity of our load generating scripts, our choices of target environments, tests we do not need to run, and more. Evelyn Moritz describes how to gather, analyze, categorize, and measure customer-found bugs in ways that will help testers and test departments become more efficient and effective at finding the types of bugs that impact their customers the most.
- Information you should collect about customer-found bugs
- Techniques for bug analysis and reporting
- How customer-found bugs can be used to improve system testing
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