Are You Hiring Yesterday's Testers?

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.

Testing a risky software-intensive system is sometimes just as difficult as creating the system itself. And developing unit tests for each path or object individually is not sufficient testing for most applications. The more complex the system, the more varied the required skills needed for testing, including analysis, design, and programming. If testers are excluded from key discussions or prevented from obtaining the tools and product expertise they need to do their jobs, you have a group of second-class testers who can't adequately test your product. Johanna Rothman discusses high-value activities first-class testers can provide their organizations. You'll learn how to upgrade your test team through selective hiring, improved training, skills-development methods, and much more. Walk away with new ideas and insights about how to take your team and yourself to the next level.

  • How to recognize first-class testers early
  • The value of your test group to your organization to get the resources you need for developing testing skills
  • Help your organization improve time-to-market with fewer defects and meet your customers' expectations

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