Automate Your Application Test Deployments with Docker

Artem Golubev

In a busy world, testing teams are asked to adopt new approaches to increase speed and flexibility of change. What methods and tools can help? Artem Golubev has seen many testing teams being told to use Docker. But for testers, this brings confusion. What it Docker and why is Docker useful to testers? How can Docker be used to increase confidence in our releases? To help you answer those questions, Artem shares his experience using this popular tool and approach. Starting with terminology Artem shares what is meant by Dockerfile, Docker Image, Docker Container, Compose, Kubernetes, and then explains the advantages and limitations of Docker. He shows how to build a Docker-based deployment in this session and gives Hands-on help. He shows how to add Docker to your own current project on your own machine and how-to setup Kubernetes on Google Compute Cloud. If you’re moving into a docker-filled world and keen to learn from real-world experience, then this session is for you. Learn what Docker is, how it can help your testing, and how to get started.


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About the Presenter

Artem Golubev is a software veteran, with more than 20 years in Software Development building various B2B Enterprise and E-Commerce software at companies like Microsoft, Salesforce. He is a Certified Enterprise Architect, holds CC, CL, ACB certifications from Toastmasters. During his career, he’s learned a lot about infrastructure, code management, and deployment and was Senior Engineering Manager of Infrastructure at Salesforce. More recently he’s dedicated time to automated software testing and is working as CEO at TestRigor. He is excited about technology helping people to solve their tedious tasks. Especially zero-downtime no-ops autonomous software which manages itself. He also enjoys snowboarding, full-bodied red wines and just plain fun.

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