Avoiding Speed Bumps on the Road to Agile Adoption

Don Gray, Independent Consultant

Some companies take the low road to adopting agile: renaming team leads to Scrum Masters, declaring business architects to be product owners, and holding a daily meeting where everyone has to stand up. Others get excited and march bravely down the road to agile proclaiming "We're all going to be agile, all agile, all the time!" embracing both agile values and principles. If you're starting your agile journey, join Don Gray and learn how to keep your organization focused on the benefits while avoiding some bumps along the way. Don shares the transition problems he's overcome including managers taking Scrum roles, inserting agile teams in the middle of sequential software development, and many more. Explore how defining the goals of your agile transition, establishing a shared vision, understanding the plan, and giving everyone a meaningful role help people better deal with the changes they face. Discover some valuable tools Don has gleaned from Human Systems Dynamics to help your company have a smoother ride on its journey to agile adoption.

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