Balancing Agility with Discipline: The Citigroup Process

Eugene Levin, Citigroup

Agile practitioners are aware of the business benefits that can be derived from faster and more effective software delivery. At the same time, companies in many industries are facing increasing regulatory compliance issues. What do you do when you want to apply agile software development methodologies in an audited, validated industry? How do you get regulators, who want your software to work right and who have the force of the law behind them, to believe that it's all going to be OK using agile development? Eugene Levin describes the motivation for introducing an agile methodology framework to complement Citigroup's waterfall SDLC process, the challenges related to using a light-weight agile methodology in a regulated industry, the experience of defining Citigroup's Disciplined Agility process, and the lessons learned in piloting the company-wide adoption of agile development.

  • A light-weight development methodology in a highly regulated industry
  • Citigroup's Disciplined Agility process standard
  • The challenges of company-wide process adoption

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