Becoming a Great Tester: Inspiration, Perspiration, and Renewal

Isabel Evans, Testing Solutions Group Ltd

Three recent and contrasting trends in software development and IT-agile methods, increasing infrastructure complexity, and the requirement to align more closely with business stakeholders-are reshaping testing’s role. As a test manager or tester, you need to develop new knowledge and skills to remain relevant-and employed. In this eye-opening session, Isabel Evans describes the new expertise you must acquire and explores the aptitude, self-motivation, and hard work required to constantly renew your knowledge and skills. With a little inspiration, a bit of luck, and perseverance, you can grow to become a great tester and remain a vital part of your test and development team. The challenges of our changing world demand a renewal of technical expertise and continuous attention to your social, communication, and business skills. Isabel offers a set of practical tools and improvement practices individual testers and test teams can use to meet these challenges. Join Isabel to take the first step on the path to becoming a great tester within a great test and development team.

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