Better Software Conference 2006: Software Production Line Automation

C. Thomas Tyler, The Go To Group Inc

Traditional manufacturing employs extensive automation for maximum efficiency and reliability. Manufacturing organizations invest heavily in tooling and infrastructure to automate production lines and reap great cost savings. For certain software applications and technologies, the software development process can be optimized if it is thought of and run like a manufacturing process. With a focused tools group made up of architects, engineers, and technicians, you can build a software product line for your applications. Find out from Thomas Tyler what a software production line looks like and how it supports geographically distributed development teams with highly automated workflows. Learn to implement a concurrent development process with a flexible project management infrastructure that delivers more functionality per unit time.

  • The tools and supporting infrastructure of a software production line
  • How to construct a software production line that enables concurrent development
  • The business case to justify investment in software production lines

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