Business Rules and Data Requirements: In Tandem for Success

Mary Gorman, EBG Consulting

Business rules and data needs are essential ingredients for a balanced set of requirements and are vital for successful product delivery. When analyzing requirements, some teams focus on business rules at the expense of data. Others dive deeply into modeling data, skimming over or skipping business rules. When it comes to delivery, if either data or rules are inadequately elaborated, you risk not delivering the right requirements and wasting precious time and money. Mary Gorman demonstrates how to leverage behavioral analysis models to discover and detail business rules and data in tandem. After identifying four types of business rules, she describes when to start modeling rules and data together, whom to involve, the skills you need, and the level of detail to explore. Learn the risks of single-focused requirements and how modeling business rules and data simultaneously enables you to deliver a more complete, correct, and consistent understanding of customer needs.

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