Cautionary Tales from Failed Scrum Adoptions

Robert Sabourin,

Although Scrum has become an integral software project management tool in many organizations, not all adoptions have gone well-or as well as they could have. By examining the business, technology, and cultural issues that block successful Scrum adoption, Rob Sabourin offers you the knowledge and tools you need to get the most out of your Scrum practices. Explore with Rob the organizational issues that he's encountered-inability to overcome corporate inertia and internal resistance to change-and bring your own experiences to share. In addition to organization issues, some teams fail due to internal issues-the absentee product owner that allows teams to run amok, lack of tester involvement in sprint planning, failing to understand product priorities, and more. Learn how wedging old metrics programs into new Scrum frameworks distorts management's perception of progress and productivity. Take back stories of wonderful successes that have come after Scrum teams and their organizations heeded Rob's cautionary tales.

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