Challenges and Benefits of Test Process Assessments

Gopinath Mandala, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

When you need to make improvements in your test practices, a formal test process assessment can help you understand your current situation and direct you toward better testing. One assessment model is Test Process Improvement (TPI®). Gopinath Mandala reports that the TPI® model was successfully used to achieve distinct benefits for his customers. He explains the difference between a model and a methodology. He further describes the assessment methodology-the process of identifying stakeholders, interviewing, analyzing the results, and preparing and presenting recommendations-he uses to conduct assessments. Gopinath discusses the need to set the expectations of the clients before the assessment begins and suggests ways to empower them to implement recommendations after the assessment.

  • Benefits of performing a test process assessment
  • Test Process Assessment methodology
  • Approaches to make an assessment successful

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