Cloud-based Testing: Flexible, Scalable, On-demand, and Cheaper

Tauhida Parveen, Independent Testing Consultant

Cloud computing is here to stay-and it is changing the way we test software. Cloud-based testing offers flexible, scalable, and on-demand infrastructure services. And as a bonus, because the cloud offers pay-per-use purchasing options, cloud-based testing usually costs less. Tauhida Parveen describes the concept of cloud-based testing: scope, specific requirements, benefits, and drawbacks. She explains how cloud-based testing brings new capabilities and options for your testing activities-instantly creating and dismantling test environments and miming production environments in early testing. Tauhida discusses how to engineer scalable environments for load, stress, and performance testing. Then, she introduces cloud-based compatibility, cross-browser, and cross-platform testing opportunities you can exploit. You'll learn about some tools and technologies-Amazon cloud services, SOA, web services, testing-as-a-service-to aid your cloud-based testing, and about the costs and effort it takes to get started. Take back tips you can share with your testing team to prepare them for the next generation of software testing.

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