Collaborative Curiosity
Let's try an experiment. Rather than trying to figure out what you need or want to hear from a keynote, we propose your taking over as the product owner and driving the discussion? Join Ryan Ripley and Faye Thompson as they take your most pressing, real-time questions and craft them into an inspiring keynote that is relevant to you and your needs. They will take on all agile topics: How does a team optimize their learning? How do you make it safe to explore, experiment and fail? What should you do when your teams aren’t “buying” self-direction and accountability. What do you do when those pesky senior leaders aren’t cooperating? Does DevOps magically improve our capacity? Why is scaling so hard and how does SAFe solve it? And anything else that’s on your mind. Bring your questions, as we celebrate your curiosity about what it takes to become truly agile yourself, in your teams, and in your organization. Leveraging the power of the crowd, we will address the questions of the room and facilitate a whole-room collaborative event.
Upcoming Events
Apr 27 |
STAREAST Software Testing Conference in Orlando & Online |
Jun 08 |
AI Con USA An Intelligence-Driven Future |
Sep 21 |
STARWEST Software Testing Conference in Anaheim & Online |
Oct 27 |
STARCANADA Software Testing Conference in Toronto |