Crucial Test Conversations

Robert Galen, RGCG, LLC

Many test managers feel that Development or Management or The Business does not understand or support the contributions of their test teams. You know what? They're probably right! However, once we accept that fact, we should ask: Why? Bob Galen believes that it is our inability and ineffectiveness at 360º communications, in other words, "selling" ourselves, our abilities and our contribution. We believe that our work should speak for itself or that everyone should inherently understand our worth. Wrong! We need to work hard to create crucial conversations in which we communicate our impact on the product and the organization. Bob shares with you specific techniques for improving the communication skills of test managers and testers so that others in your organization will better understand your role and contributions. He also focuses on improving your cross-team communication and feedback skills-a key to creating highly effective teams. Come prepared to engage and communicate.

  • High impact "conversations" to effectively communicate your test team's worth
  • How to craft better status reports to tell your story
  • Effective feedback conversations to improve individual performance

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