Demystifying Virtual Test Lab Management

Ian Knox, Skytap

The benefits of a virtualized test lab environment are compelling and quantifiable--rapid provisioning and tear down of environments, faster test cycles, and powerful new capabilities to resolve defects. Although many test teams have experimented with virtual machines and have experienced some of the benefits, they've also discovered issues with virtual machine "sprawl," difficulties administering the lab, and lack of virtual private networking. Ian Knox provides solutions to these problems and offers ways to simplify both using and managing virtualization in your test environment. Ian describes the basics of virtualization and how you can use virtual labs to solve some of the most pressing and expensive challenges in testing. He guides you through the important implementation choices for building a virtual lab and explores the common pitfalls with real-life case studies. Take back an understanding of a virtual lab's capabilities and limitations and learn how to automate your lab with tools and build integration.

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