Dispelling Testing's Top Ten Illusions

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants

Lloyd Roden as he unveils his list of the top ten illusions that we may face as testers and test managers. One illusion that we often encounter is "quality cannot be measured." While it is difficult to measure, Lloyd believes it can and should be measured regularly, otherwise we never improve. Another illusion Lloyd often encounters is "anyone can test." Typically when the project is behind schedule, inexperienced people are "drafted" to help with testing. While this gives us the illusion that more hands are better, we know the real impact of inexperienced people on the final product. While it is important to identify illusions when they appear, Lloyd will describe ways to reduce their impact or eliminate them entirely from your
organization. Only then can we become ultra-effective test professionals who are respected within our organizations.
Lloyd Roden has been involved in the software industry since 1980, studying computer science at Leicester University. He has worked as a programmer with Pearl Assurance, as a Senior Independent Test Analyst for Royal Life, and a project manager for the Product Assurance department at Peterborough Software. In 1999 he joined Grove Consultants where he provides consultancy and training in all aspects of testing, specializing in test management, people issues in testing, and test automation. Lloyd is a lively and enthusiastic speaker at conferences and seminars including EuroSTAR, AsiaSTAR, STAREAST, Software Test Automation, Test Congress, and Unicom conferences, as well as Special Interest Groups in Software Testing in a variety of different countries.

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