FitNesse: An Open-Source Tool for Acceptance Testing

Micah Martin, Object Mentor

Testing is a critical aspect of agile development methods. In the acceptance testing process, testers and customers write the automated tests before the code is developed. Then, developers run the acceptance tests to verify that the code delivers the expected functionality. FitNesse is a
widely used open source tool that helps automate the development and execution of acceptance tests. After a brief introduction about where FIT and FitNesse "fit" in the Agile development methodology, Micah Martin demonstrates the FitNesse tool and how to drive development with FitNesse tests. In a sample project he presents the tool in use and shows how you develop the tests before the code has been written. Find out what techniques you can use to create FitNesse tests and how the framework operates in a "live" development environment. Take away a list of
available resources and some tips to get started.

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