Five (Oops! I Mean Six) Mistakes Leaders Make

Pete Behrens

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The world of work is transforming at an unrelenting pace. Product development is increasingly more complex and uncertain while the speed of decisions and delivery is escalating at an exponential pace. Many of us are unaware of how our thoughts and actions work against our own objectives and our organizations’ goals and needs. Pete Behrens illustrates how leadership agility improves self-awareness, amplifies decision-making, improves outcomes, and grows resilience and capacity in highly complex and fast-paced environments. Sharing stories from his two decades of personal experience—and experiences of other senior leaders whom he has coached—Pete spotlights six critical mistakes you may not be aware you’re making in your personal leadership practices. He recommends that you focus on yourself before others, develop self-awareness before skills, experiment before delivering, establish structures ahead of behaviors, prioritize health over performance, and emphasize the journey over the destination. Whether you’re a manager or an individual contributor, you’ll discover how to reorient your thinking and actions to improve your style and outcomes to become a better leader—and a better person.

About the Presenter

Leadership agility coach and founder of Trail Ridge Consulting Pete Behrens provides guidance to senior executives on how to transform themselves and their companies—including Google, GE, and—to work more effectively through agility. A Certified Leadership Agility 360 Coach, Certified Agile Leadership Educator, Certified Enterprise Coach, and Certified Scrum Trainer, Pete works with individuals and organizations to develop their personal leadership and organizational agility. His focus is on developing agile leaders through public workshops and private coaching engagements. On the Scrum Alliance board of directors, Pete provides strategic consulting and guidance to transform the world of work. Follow Pete on Twitter, LinkedIn, or email him.

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