The Force of Test Automation in the Salesforce Cloud

Chris Chen,

What would happen if your company doubled or even tripled its number of releases and asked you to do the same with your testing? What if the number of developers doubled and your testing staff remained the same size? Would your test automation be capable of meeting the demand? How would you ensure that one-hundred Scrum teams are investing enough in test automation? How would you triage hundreds of test failures each day? How would you validate each of more than one-hundred releases to production per year? These are the questions has had to answer during its twelve year history. These are the challenges that led to the creation of its "test automation cloud." Chris Chen shares how's test automation cloud works and gives you an inside look at the different technologies and methodologies they use today. Chris explores test frame works, continuous integration systems, production validation, coverage, processes, and much more in this revealing session.

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